I got up at 4:30am this morning, so if this is a tad incoherent or riddled with typos... well you have my excuse. I can fix it tomorrow!
When you think they no longer can, they just keep getting better!
Okay, so apart from the fact that the Ancients are either total prats or just written to be total prats, which is the same thing, and apart form the fact that I really didn't buy the SGC just handing Atlantis back to the Ancients like that...THIS EIPSODE WAS AWESOME!!!
The Carter-McKay Bridge, the pizza thing, the team moments, the touching goodbye with hugs and forehead touches, the return and trying to reajust and Rodney is lonely and Weir just doesn't know what to do and they all get together, and Carson was so cute with Elizabeth, and the whole War Hammer thing and Rodney having written in backdoor entrances everywhere (he so would too...I wonder what other little surprises he's planted all over the place?), and just YES!!
I am full O' glee!! Thanks goodness Canada is playing the next episode on Oct 30!
Then in SG1
they totally took the plot from Indianna Jones! I mean, not that I'm complaining, but seriously it was just all from Indianna Jones... The leap of faith, became walking into fire and the riddles were different, but still had to be figured out to get them out of peril...yada yada yada. I got some of the riddles before the team...Eat your heart out!
I was surprised by Adria. I really thought the old guy was going to be Merlin and yet another Ancient kicking around to see if they figured things out, so at least one plot twist threw me this week. Te dragon was funny. It'll be good to see what happens with that. I wonder what the secret password/name is?
All in all, very good mid-season cliff-hangers!!! *big grin*
On real life, my sister gave me the best t-shirt today. It was from Peru and says "Peru Wars." The picture on it is a cartoon of an Aztec and a Conquistadore (sp?) and behind them are the shadows of Yoda and Darth Vader, respectively. Hee! My sis knows me too well methinks. :)
yokiem and I went to see "The Devil Wears Prada" today and it was really cute. Definitely got more than a few laughs from me. It's been so long since I last saw a movie. I think maybe Xmen 3 was the last one, though I could be wrong.