Oh my! You must check out
tardis80's latest drawings over
here. Little Japanese versions of John and Rodney and possible storylines to go with them. Just so adorable!!!
And this one, ok I haven't read the fic yet, but now I absolutely must. I leave you with the warnings that
wynchwood put on her own manip "
don't click the link if you're holding anything fragile, eating, drinking or think you may be pregnant. Or if you have a pre-existing heart condition."
Oh and I almost forgot
jayel_fox has been writing
THIS wonderful Harem fic in the comments of Tardis' wonderful drawing. I don't know if she's posting it elsewhere, but it's John/Rodney, though so far it's gen. It's just adorable and Rodney rocks!
I love the flist I love the flist I love the flist