Tipsywitch pointed out
THIS cute Hewlett and Tapping interview. It's a little spoilery, which I hadn't realised, but way cute.
My fave quotes (edited slightly so to try to be unspoilery :P)
TV Guide: During your last crossover, McKay undressed Carter ... Any more of that sort of thing...?
Hewlett: I wish!
Tapping: It's hard to keep your clothes on around David Hewlett, but I do.
TV Guide: Say something about each other's character
Tapping: Wow, that's hard. McKay is brilliant, arrogant, nihilistic, narcissistic, annoying and, as a result, just a tiny little bit sexy. I'm just throwing that last part out there. I never, ever thought that, but I just thought it would be fun to throw that out there.
Hewlett: I've never heard "tiny" and "sexy" used together in a flattering way. That's me - tiny and sexy. As for Sam, she has this fantastic combination of street smarts and brilliance, this great ability to take control of situations. And looks never hurt.
Tapping: They're very similar but very different, and in a way that they compliment each other really well. Sometimes I think Carter is a little too competent; she needs somebody to knock her down and force her to
re-evaluate and question herself.
Those two are just waaay too cute. I really want to ship them now. *headesk* Anyone have a plot bunny along those lines, feel free to share. :D