Feb 05, 2005 22:11
Today you might find your moods going up and down, particularly when it comes to money, merrilee. At one point, you could feel like the most prosperous person on Earth, and at another you might be in a panic over where your next meal is coming from. Relax! You're doing fine! Your biorhythms may be a bit low but don't let this get in the way of your having a good day. Buy yourself a gift and cheer up.
Today, merrilee, you're likely to pursue intellectual and spiritual goals with a passion that surpasses just about any other drive you have at this time. You'll want to learn everything you can about whatever subject interests you, and you might even obsess over it a little bit. If this is a particular culture, you might decide to travel to the area where it flourishes. Insights could come to you from deep within. Write them down.
good, at least i ahve something to be opitimist for tommroow... i think it means holistic medecines.. but! all the classes start in april.. soo. far. away@
man im tired. i had huge bags under my eyes today. and i will tommorow. too much crying does that to ya.as does to many entry writing on this thing.