Interviewed by
phoenixrose 1. What job would you rather be doing now?
Hmm. In my fantasy land called Melissa-ville, I would be a writer. Taking my sweet and precious time cultivating what would be an underground classic for years to come. But realistically, I know what will not happen, so here on Earth the job I'd rather be doing now....well. To tell you the truth, I don't think that I'd be anywhere else but where I am. Yeah, I know I bitch and complain about it a lot. But there are so many things that I've learned. Of course, a couple weeks from now I might be some bitter and cynical bitch because of the happenings of recent [see last post].
2. Name a talent that not many people know about you.
I can play chess. I'm not all that wonderful at it, but I love playing it. My Uncle Mister (don't ask...I've called him Mister for all my life) taught me how to play and my dad gave me a chessboard a couple of years ago that belonged to a good friend of his that died.
3. What is your favorite room in your house and why?
That would be my room. Almost any of my friends can vouch the unique-ness of my room. It's a mess, but I know exactly where everything is. I've painted on basically every wall in my room and I pick up things from the goodwill constantly. There are just so many things that my room reveals about me. It is me.
4. Where in the country would you like to live?
Louisiana, baby! I totally want to live in New Orleans with all that culture, but the heat would drive me insane. I've also thought about living somewhere up North like Rhode Island or Pennsylvania (where my mom's family is from).
5. What fashion trend would you rather be caught dead wearing?
Hmm. I'm pretty openminded when it comes to fashion. As long as the person can pull it off, then I think that's fabulous. Whether it be some vintage 1950's dress or hip huggers. I like clothes, and I love mixing and matching stuff...but I'm never the type that likes to be out there. Judgement is something that I've never dealed with well, it's probably why I don't do it. So back to the question....I'll say anything from the 1980's is probably a don't. Maybe in 30 more years it will be cool again.
Now people:
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.