Feb 14, 2005 10:11
valentines day eeee. i know i'm prolly another entry in a hoard of entries.. but it really is an unlucky day for me... last kiss... weird relationship... dumped... all the last few year ...all on valenties day. i feel absolutly crumpled and emtpy yet i haven't felt this emotional in an extreemly long time.. ironic how ppl beat u to doing things that u were going to do or say. it still hurts just as much
i was never the girl that came to school holding a red rose.. i never will be either i learn't to accept that however each and every persons time will come ( or so i like to think) but one lesson is strong here u must learn to love yourself and be down with who u are, and what u have, be able to not depend on other. other ppl are just not attracted to that. in the animal world the female is going to put herslef with a male that can be protective... yes hate to break it to u but we are all a part of the animal world. as many disscussions have taken place at our dinner table. studdies have been showen how much we are a part of the A.W especially during the act of sex. attration comes down to protection and (however revolting it may sound , it actually make a lot of sence) the opposite sex( or same sex, which ever u preferr) ' B.O that's right the chemicals in our body odour are triggers, to each other noses.
it's quite amazing u'll have to talk to my parent's about it. it's worth being equiped with this knowladge.. kind of makes things easier to understand and in my case atm accept.
timing is of the essence... still i feel like crying
happy valentines day
was anyone else scared shitless in that storm last night after watching NCIS....fuck i was. i thought i might have to sleep in my parents room... just kept thinking c'mon i'm almost 20 no decaed bride is going grab me,
*starts hyperventilating!