Finally in love.

May 03, 2008 19:54

This is a long story. Go grab a drink, run to the bathroom, cuddle under your covers, and get ready for a bedtime story.

I met Peter almost three years ago. At the time, I didn't really know him that well; all I knew was that he worked with Candice at Barnes & Noble, and she kept telling me how funny he was. I met him at the store, but didn't really hang out with him until one night when he came out to IHOP with me, Candice, and two other kids from B&N, Jackie and Kevin. When we got to IHOP, I was sitting across from Peter, and he made me laugh all night. At one point, he mixed every syrup and jam on the table into his pancakes, then attempted to eat it. His face turned a light shade of green and he collapsed on the floor. This made me laugh so hard that I almost peed myself; Jackie, Kevin, and Candice were completely mortified, however, as the waitress came over and threatened to kick us out. The night ended in the parking lot, with Jackie whipping Kevin with her belt, and Candice, Peter and me standing by awkwardly.

Every once in a while, Peter would come out with the group of kids from B&N that I would always hang out with. After a couple of months, Candice decided that she liked him. A lot. She would always talk to me about it, even while she was dating someone else. It was weird, especially since I had liked him from the moment I met him. It was Candice who told me that Peter had a girlfriend, possibly a fiance (no one really knew for sure). Candice was determined to make Peter like her; she called him all the time, and flirted with him openly at work. Everyone at Barnes & Noble knew that she liked him.

There are a few times that I hung out with him that stand out more than any others. Once, he came with the whole group to Friday's, and he seemed so sad. I attempted to cheer him up by getting drunk and singing along to every single song that came on, whether or not I knew the lyrics. At one point, he said, "If I were drunk, I would sing, too ... but not as badly as her." Once he seemed to warm up, his wit returned, and he was turning out great one-liners like, "The Indians called the corn, 'Maize.'" I had liked him from the moment I met him at Barnes & Noble, but that night I felt it deepen into something more. On top of this, I felt a terrible sense of inner conflict/confusion. On one hand, Candice was declaring her love for him left and right; on the other, he was taken. I really saw no way out of the situation, and so, after thinking about it for a week or so, I decided to be a friend only, and be content with that.

A while after this, someone came up with the idea to go to Sawgrass. Peter drove Candice, Kathy and I down in his Alero, and we had an amazing time. I have pictures of that day, and I still look at them and laugh about the crazy crap we did. I also look at them and realize that 90% are of Peter, so obviously at that point I still had feelings for him. There's one picture in particular of a cut on his hand. This came about when we were at the Rainforest Cafe, and he and I decided to have a swordfight with the little plastic swords that came with our lunch. I stabbed him very hard, enough to break skin. I felt terrible, but it's a moment that is now infamous as one of the most hilarious times we've had together. We both laughed so hard, and Candice and Kathy were just puzzled.

One day a few months later, we were both online, talking on AIM. We both mentioned how bored we were, and then I came up with the idea to go to the zoo. That was probably one of the best days I've ever had. Not in the Top 10, but definitely the Top 20. Peter made me laugh like crazy. What's odd is that I went there with the intention of finding out whether or not he had feelings for Candice; instead, as soon as I saw his face, I completely forgot about that and just had a wonderful time for the rest of the day. We had met in the parking lot of Barnes & Noble, and when we got back to the store, we decided to go in and say hello to everyone. I walked in with Peter, both of us red-faced and sweaty from being in the sun all day. Candice became terribly pissed off at me. She confronted me, saying, "How could you spend time with him alone, when you know that I like him?" Our trip to the zoo was completely blown out of proportion, and it was one of the few moments in my relationship with my sister where I truly believed she may never speak to me again.

After this, we didn't hang out one on one for quite some time. There was a movie somewhere in there, a night when I was sent by Candice to get him to talk to me and see if he liked her or not. He was having problems with his girlfriend, and I felt terrible for putting him in that position. I only asked him once if he had feelings for Candice, and when he said that he didn't, I dropped the issue.

Eventually, Peter's girlfriend broke up with him. He was a wreck for a long time; he was drinking a lot, and everyone could tell. I tried to talk to him, to let him know that I was there if he needed someone. Every once in a while he would call or send me a text message. It was last summer, almost the fall, when Candice finally came clean about her feelings for him, and he told her that he valued her too much as a friend. I had tried to tell her that it was too soon after his break up, but she wouldn't listen; she was determined to believe that they had broken up at that time for a reason, and the reason was so that they could be together. She was completely torn up about it. Peter kept drinking, and I kept getting more worried about him. In December he moved to Cocoa, and we lost touch.

Towards the end of January this year, Peter sent me a text message. We started talking again, and he helped me with my problems with Matt. He was always there for me to talk to, and I would listen to him complain about his life/job/classes. It got to the point where we were talking almost every night, and when I broke up with Matt, Peter was willing to listen to me bitch and moan and complain. In return, he talked to me about how unhappy he was, how lonely to be in a place where he knew so few people. We supported each other, which was something that I had never felt from any man before.

It was in the first week of March that I realized that I still had feelings for Peter. I told him, and he reciprocated the concept, but we both agreed that we didn't want it to be a rebound relationship: it was still too soon after Matt. I went up to visit him in Cocoa for a couple of days. We went to Universal the first day I went up to see him. I was staying at his house, and only spending one night. When I went to fall asleep, he curled up on the floor. I told him that he could sleep in the bed with me (after all, it is HIS bed), but he would have to keep his distance. That, however, didn't last long. First it was just cuddling, then it was a kiss here and there, then we were making out. The next day was wonderful; we hung out, he drove me around Cocoa Beach, and finally, when it came time for me to leave, I looked at him and realized that I have loved him for a very long time.

I am happier with him than I have ever been with anyone else. It puzzles me, how we could have gone so long and never acknowledged our feelings for each other. Apparently, he's always found me pretty "groovy." Everything about him is adorable: peanut butter toast, his Mustang, the way he remembers thousands of sports statistics, his dedication to the Twins. I love everything about him.

I can honestly say now that I love him.
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