Mar 18, 2004 21:08
So I'm standing in the middle of the sidewalk, choking, and nobody is helping me. Yes, I wanted to die like this, thank you.
I guess that was random. Anyway, I am so overwhelmed lately. Not just as far as things I have to do but as far as people go. It seems like I am either alone or everyone is calling, coming over, getting jealous, etc. There are like 3 different guys that are liking me right now. Which I guess is flattering at best. I'm taken. I'M TAKEN! Should I wear a sign? Or would that even help? I mean, I like getting gifts and all but c'mon guys. And a major DONT: Don't get jealous of my friends (my GIRLfriends) because that is just not cool and it freaks me out when I have to constantly remind you that "Yes, I am your friend."
Anway, this has to be cut short since I have studying to do.
PS>> I still need that $750. I didn't have the 'balls' to call Bob and ask for money. To be honest, I hate the man. So, if anyone is feeling generous...