Jan 01, 2009 22:52
I'm not sure how well I'm going to keep these, but here goes, in no particular order:
1. Study more efficiently. I'm a study geek already, but I can procrastinate on reading assignments and essays. I'm going into a semester with LOTS of reading/lecture courses, so I really need to be reading my textbooks almost 24/7. Yay for yet another survey history class... *insert sarcasm here*
2. Finish the novels that I have started and have not finished. These include Wicked, The Friday Night Knitting Club, Pride & Prejudice, Emma, and Little Women. Also, finish out the Anne series, reread Harry Potter #6, and read any book that is collecting dust in my room. I won't be going on vacation this summer, so I should have plenty of time for reading...if I stay off my laptop.
3. Keep in touch with friends. Write more letters, make a few more phone calls, see if I can't just meet up with friends more often (given I get my license!).
***4. PRACTICE DRIVING! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and then TAKE THE ROAD TEST! Obviously, this is probably the most important goal and should be accomplished soon.
5. Write more in my own personal journal. I write in here more often than I do there, and I really shouldn't do that. I really should be writing down more of my hopes and dreams.
6. Finish a story for once. I'm always starting fanfics...and never finishing them.
***7. STOP SPENDING MONEY ON AG (and organize/sell what I have/don't need0! If I want a new AG or two, a few have to be sold first. I definitely don't want more than 20 AGs, and I'm not even sure I want more than 16. Therefore, certain AGs and certain non-AGs must be found new homes so that I can buy Neela (aka Sonali) and Maura (aka #23). But I also shouldn't be spending money that I shouldn't be spending, so after I get those two dolls, I really should just enjoy what I have.
8. Try to get more involved in church/extracurricular activities. Perhaps.
9. Plan the best wedding you can for this summer, and have fun with it.
10. Stay positive because 2009 will probably be hard financially, as my mom keeps reminding me.