My brain is dead. *flatlines*
Case in point: I'm writing a paper on galaxies and stars, which happens to be due tomorrow, as tomorrow is the last day of the semester. I am currently talking about quasars, and I put this:
Quasars are strange little creatures, and are believed to be far away.
Yeah, I don't know either.
Thank God this semester is almost over.
In other news, I have a doctor's appointment with my doctor. He doesn't see me a lot, as he doesn't work in the ER. Anyway, I saw the doc on campus this last week because my knee has been a BITCH, and he basically said that I was going to have to have surgery soon on it, or I'd never be able to use it properly again. So, I made an appointment with my doctor to see what he says about it. Because I really don't want surgery if it isn't necessary, but I get the feeling it's going to be necessary.
Actually, I have it all worked out. I'll graduate in December, and get the surgery soon after, and I have a while to recover, since the Funeral Science program at Mt. Hood starts in the Fall. So I can be flat on my back if necessary.
This is a really cool website. Go there.
I want all of
this site's jewelry. Besides, I need new barbells, and theirs are relatively cheap, and are of very good quality.
In other, other news, I have part of a pickle stuck in my teeth, I love the Blue Man Group, I want Jeff to appear on my front doorstep, I am a developing camwhore, the singer on The Complex Rock Tour is really cute, I need a nap, I need more caffiene and I need new earrings. I can't remember how many "M"'s are in "tomorrow", what the hell a quasar actually is, and where my Astronomy and Earthquakes and Volcanoes textbooks are.
And my birthday is Saturday, when I will be one-fifth of a century.
< /randomness >
Apparently I am spending tomorrow (The m's are out to get me. Probably because I'm eating M&M's, huh?) with Mike, so we can celebrate my birthday. Today is my parents' and grandparents' day, tomorrow (GAH!) is Mike's, and Saturday is probably GenieandBenson's, with maybe a bit of Jeff thrown in for me to molest.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do about Dave. He makes me feel so damn ancient. Of course, Genie does that sometimes. This is why I only relate well to those people who happen to be like four years older than I am. Or something. I'm just too old for my age, I guess.
On second thought, "quasar" doesn't even look like a word. There we go. I shall just put in my term paper that quasar isn't a word, therefore it doesn't exist, and all those astrophysicists smoke too much crack. Next thing you know, they're gonna be talking to God or something.
Okay, okay, I'm going back to my paper now..
PLEASE NOTE: Some quantum physics theories suggest that when the Consumer is not directly observing this Person, She may cease to exist or will exist only in a vague and undetermined state.