Apr 17, 2005 20:02
I am so tired.
I was crew leading today, and I got to spend three hours at Double Thunder Raceway.
All the crew leads and supervisors got to ride the Bat today. It was okay, and I like the fact that your feet dangle, but it should be longer and less jerky. In my opinion.
Also, the compressor room in Castle is scary. There's an urban legend that some old lady in a wheelchair died in the huge fire umpteen years ago where Castle is now located. So someone decided it'd be funny to put a wheelchair back there WITH A SKELETON. And then, they expect us crew leads to GO BACK THERE ALL BY OURSELVES, IN THE DARK, WITHOUT FLASHLIGHTS, WHILE SQUEEZING PAST THE WHEELCHAIR WITH THE SKELETON IN IT.
I was not amused.
In other news, I strike fear into the hearts of red-badgers. :)
Now that the washer is done, I have a date with the shower. I shall call him George, and he shall be mine and he shall be my George to wash me when I get dirty and gross and smell like Double Thunder and Lagoon and back-room-of-Castle.
I think I need a nap.