"Let's run away and don't ever look back..."

Nov 26, 2010 21:23


...I don't really know what to say about this. This is going to be one of those entries that makes everyone think "Wow Laura has really lost her mind this time..."


(It's BAD this time. Like really really really so much worse than I was expecting. I don't even know. I really don't. I don't even like this show 50% of the time but...this storyline has somehow inspired me to write a novel on it.)

Kurt & Blaine - Glee - 2.06 - Never Been Kissed

I just added this because I LOVE HIS CLOCK BOWTIE SO VERY VERY MUCH. I couldn't even concentrate during the early scenes because I was so fixated by it's awesomeness.


I also really enjoy the fact that he has a little pocket watch in his hand (HOW DAPPER).
It also reminded me of Kurt's clock bowtie.

I really do wonder what Blane's first thoughts of Kurt were. He seems to look him up and down, probably taking in how skillfully similar and yet totally different his outfit was.
His brain probably did immediately go to "SPY!!!" but Blaine is such a genuinely a nice guy and...Kurt does look rather adorable there so it's hard to not want to make him smile.

And I love how this is the first time Kurt was really touched with purpose. And it's not a big deal. I love Kurt's little "omg, is this really happening?" open-mouthed moment and Blaine's little smile as he glances down and reaches for his hand.

Blaine: The Warblers are like...rock stars.

We're not exactly modest, are we Blaine?

I really love how this GIF starts with Blaine just gazing at him like :D :D :D

"I mean, why can't I walk hand in hand down the hall with the person that I like?"
-Kurt (2.04 - Duets)

(I also really really hope that Blaine makes the next part of that quote "Why can't I slow dance at my prom?" also comes true.)

This entire sequence would be CHEESY AS HELL if it were with anyone else. But you know what? There aren't enough cliche hand holding gay moments with sappy music in the world. THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE.

Again, with the casual touching...OR TOUCHING WITH PURPOSE. Blaine is being so overly flirty.

And oh the smile. It's like he didn't mention he was actually singing lead in this little performance just so he could blow his mind. "Oh if you'll excuse me!" ;)

It's good thing that Kurt apparently blows Blaine's....ahem, mind too.

I really love Kurt's "...um wtf?" when Blaine first starts singing.

I think my favorite moment is when Kurt slowly looks around the room and sees that everyone there is really into it and just dancing/having fun and he looks so...almost astonished by that. And then it's like you can see all the tenseness leave his body and he just relaxes.

I love how Blaine makes sure to look directly at him any chance he gets. I mean, on some level I'm sure it's to impress the spy. He did come to see them so he might as well give him a good show.
But as Blaine says in the next scene, he sensed that the reason he was there was a little more than that. I think he was immediately intrigued by him.

Plus, as open and accepting as Dalton is I'm sure even Blaine has a hard time meeting other gay guys. I'm sure there's a few other openly gay guys at Dalton...but maybe they're not Blaine's type? haha I'm totally just speculating but...who knows!

Even though Blaine is so dripping with charm that it's almost disgusting, that doesn't mean that he hasn't experienced and struggled with the exact same things as Kurt. I mean, that's why Blaine is at Dalton to begin with.
Just because he looks like a mini version of Don Draper doesn't mean it's any easier for him.

Kurt kind of looks like a 13 year old attending an NSYNC concert circa 1998.
...But it's not like I would be reacting much differently if Darren Criss was serenading me, let's be serious.


Blaine: Latte?
Kurt: Thank you.
Blaine: This is Wes and David.
Kurt: It's very civilized of you to invite me for coffee before you beat me up for spying.
Wes: We are not going to beat you up.
David: You were such a terrible spy we thought it was sort of...endearing.
Blaine: Which made me think spying on us wasn't really the reason you came.
Kurt: ...Can I ask you guys a question? ...Are you guys all gay?
(Blaine, Wes, and David laugh)
Blaine: Uh, uh, no. I mean, I am, but these two have girlfriends.
David: This is not a gay school, we just have a zero tolerance harassment policy.

I'm completley fixated on the way that Kurt says 'Thank you' in this flirty kind of way when Blaine passes him his coffee.

Also, I am completely in love with what fandom has made of Wes & David in fic. THEY ARE THE BEST. They are like the Fred & George of Dalton. I love all the fics where they get so tired of Blaine endlessly writing poetry/songs about the unique coloring of Kurt's eyes that they have to hook them up just so it'll STOP.

It's kind of like reading old-school Marauder fic, TBH. You know, with all the private boarding school shenanigans. And then Kurt/Blaine become the Remus/Sirius of the group, haha. It's kind of making me miss the days of shoebox_project.

Also can I just note how much it cracks me up that Kurt apparently packed an entirely different second outfit for his trip to Dalton?

I really love Kurt's little smile when he finds out that yes, Blaine is in fact gay too.

Wes: Everybody gets treated the same no matter what they are. It's pretty simple.
(Kurt has tears in his eyes and Blaine looks at him for a moment)
Blaine: (To Wes and David) Would you guys excuse us?
Wes: Take it easy, Kurt. (Wes and David leave)
Blaine: I take it you're having trouble at school.
Kurt: I'm the only person out of the closet at my school. And I...I tried to stay strong about it but...there's this neanderthal that made it his mission to make my life a living hell. And nobody seems to notice.
Blaine: I know how you feel. (Kurt rolls his eyes) I got taunted at my old school. And it really...it pissed me off. I even complained about it to the faculty, and they were sympathetic and all, but you could just tell that...nobody really cared. It was like, "Hey, if you're gay your life is just gonna be miserable. Sorry. Nothing we can do about it." So I left. I came here. Simple as that. So you have two options. I mean, I'd love to tell you to just come and roll here but tuition at Dalton is sort of steep and I know that's not an option for everybody. Or...you can refuse to be the victim. Prejudice is just ignorance, Kurt. And you have a chance right now to teach him.
Kurt: How?
Blaine: Confront him. Call him out. I ran, Kurt. I didn't stand up. I let bullies chase me away, and it is something that I really really regret.

Wes says that it's simple. It should be simple. But that's just never been true for Kurt. And I think Blaine recognizes that because he's been in the exact same position.

At first Kurt rolls his eyes when Blaine says he knows how he feels. I'm sure people have said that to him before, but they never really knew what it was like to walk in his shoes. Sure, other kids are bullied. And every member of the glee club is an outcast in some respect, so they can understand him on that level. But it's not the same. They can be made fun of one week and be popular the next week. They don't have feelings that they can't act on for fear of being humiliated, ridiculed, or worse (yea, I just c/p what Rachel said, but it's true).

Everyone sympathizes, but no one really gets it. Until now.

Blaine essentially said that he was bullied for being gay in his last school. It was bad enough that he went to the school board about it, and there was nothing they could really do so he transferred.

And now he's in this perfect little bubble of acceptance, and that's great, and it has certainly made his life easier but...I think he knows that it's not "real" in a way. He says it was "Simple as that" but you can tell from his tone that nothing about it was simple.

Blaine's tone held a lot of repressed anger/resentment at what happened. He's clearly not passed whatever it was that happened to him and just because he's now in this amazing new school that doesn't make everything ok or take away the hurt that he experienced in the past.

He wishes there was more he could have done, that he would have been stronger but he just...wasn't. He ran away. And I think that's a part of why he's probably so eager to help Kurt, because he wishes he could go back and do things differently and be stronger.
In my experience it also takes a lot more to be strong for yourself than to be strong for someone else.

I think that's probably why Blaine's advice is a little misguided. Should Kurt really confront Karovsky so directly when he's twice his size?
And while it was admirable that he did stand up to him, it clearly didn't help the situation much and merely escalated it to a much more dangerous level. But Blaine's advice is just what he wishes he could do for himself now. And maybe that's a little messed up, but as ~wonderful~ as he seems...he's just a scared teenage kid too. Everything he says does come from the right place, he really does want to help Kurt out in the way he wishes that someone was there to help him last year...but that doesn't mean his advice is perfect.

Seriously, he looks like a gay hobbit sized-Don Draper here

I like to think that Blaine walked Kurt back to his car after they had coffee and gave him his number and said "You can call me anytime. For anything. If you just need someone to talk to or....just to hang out."

And I think he knows how much it helps just to know that someone is thinking of you and that you're not alone.

Aw, I love his little smile here. It's amazing how much of a difference something like that can make.

Kurt/Happiness is my real OTP.

Blaine left Dalton in the middle of the school day to drive all the way to Lima just because Kurt called.

Blaine was probably sitting in his car psyching himself out and thinking "OK I CAN TOTALLY HELP. I've been there. This is important. Just be suave, Blaine. Act like you know what you're talking about. Yup. I can do this. Absolutely. I'm a fucking firework. *BLASTS KATY PERRY and nods head*"
(LOL I love the fics where Blaine is dorkily obsessed with Katy Perry)

I think he angsts about how he didn't do enough when this was happening to him. I think he hates himself a little bit, and feels the need to really make up for that now.

When Karovsky backs him into the wall I like that it's Kurt that pushes him away and just tells him to "STOP". Blaine thought he was going to go in and be the hero. But Kurt doesn't need a hero. He's a pretty strong guy and can absolutely fight his own battles. I think he just needs to know that he's not alone. That someone gets it and that someone will be there for him. It's definitely easier to be strong when you know someone is standing beside you.

But he can stand up for himself. And for his friends. Blaine drove over thinking he was going to protect Kurt, but Kurt was the one who really protected Blaine and got Karovsky to really back off (for the time being).

And can I just say that I really love that they're kind of the same size? I think Chris might even be a teeny bit taller? I mean, it wouldn't really matter if one of them was much taller/bigger, but I think especially with Kurt a lot of people just think of him as weaker due to his size. When really I think he's probably a lot emotionally stronger than Blaine is.

I really like the comfort level that they have with each other already even though they've only known each other for about two days at this point.

I think Kurt feels like he's found a ~kindred spirit~ and so he's told him things that he hasn't told his best friends or his family.
And it's different. Their relationship isn't exactly romantic (yet). But it's not like this with anyone else.

I like the way he looks at Blaine in that last cap, with such wide eyes like he almost can't believe he's real. And it's not like Blaine really did anything at all, but I think it just means so much that's he's there. That he wants to be his friend. That he wants to help him out. That he's offering to buy him lunch, haha.

I love Kurt's happy little smirk here. I mean, besides just having someone he can talk to and someone that's really in corner...A CUTE BOY IS TAKING HIM OUT TO LUNCH!

Date or not-a-date, the first time a cute boy takes you out is pretty exciting.

And I'd like to think this lunch-date is the first time they really got to know each other. Not just because they're both gay and have been in the same position in regards to bullying...but just as friends.

I really like what Darren said recently in an interview about how Blaine sees a lot of himself in Kurt and vice-versa. I like that they're equals in this. They can both take something from each other.

And the day after he puts him up in his locker. lol and yes, this is a little soon for that, but I don't think it's only about "OMG I WANT TO LOOK AT MY CRUSH ALL THE TIME BECAUSE HE'S SO VERY PRETTY" (Although obviously he is).

I think Kurt puts up his picture more as a constant reminder that he's not alone. And that can mean the world in this situation. That even when things get bad, or he feels lonely, or feels like he's the only one going through something like this he can just look in his locker and gain strength from that.

And yea, I realize that's kind of sappy, but I think that's ok.

What I really like about the set up for Kurt/Blaine is that it's not like Blaine walks in as this ~magical prince charming~ (even though just viewing the 'Teenage Dream' performance by itself can kind of seem like that). They're on the same level really (and not just height-wise, ha).

Blaine is getting as much from this relationship/friendship/whatever as Kurt is.

Blaine is going through a lot of self-loathing currently due to running away from his problems. And yes, Kurt did essentially do the same thing at the end of "Furt", but we all know that he'll be back at McKinnely eventually. This isn't the end of the story. Kurt and Blaine aren't both just going to escape into this magical gaytopia. The title of this entry "Let's run away and don't even look back" isn't random. I put thought into silly things like that. I think it represents where their relationship is currently.

I think/hope Kurt is going to really have to stand up and face everything (the school board?) and maybe that will give Blaine the courage to do the same thing (maybe he'll come back to McKinnely with him since Darren is going to be a regular?).

And really, Kurt has already shown that he has courage, I think Blaine might be the one who needs it a little more.

I really enjoy ships where there's character growth on both sides. And ones where there's respect, and understanding, and you can just tell that these two people enjoy being around each other and can have fun together (I want to talk to about that more in my 2.07 picspam).

Also, Kurt is going to be dating someone before the end of the season. That much is absolutely true. And whoever "the boyfriend" is going to be is going to sing a million songs with him, (most likely) slow dance with him at the prom, and be on the show quite a lot.

RM has already stated that he wants Darren to be around as a regular (at least this season and season 3). 'Teenage Dream' is the fastest selling song this show has ever had.
It is the only song that has been #1 on the Billboard charts ('Don't Stop Believing' was only #1 the Itunes chart, but #2 on the Billboard chart).

I just keep thinking about some gay kid in the middle of the country thinking she/he's alone in this and then seeing a song where a boy sings to another boy being the #1 song IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. That says so much. AMERICA WANTS TO LISTEN TO GAY LOVE SONGS APPARENTLY. And maybe with Darren that can potentially happen again. Maybe even an actual love song they sing to each other.

I think this storyline means so much right now. This show is SO mainstream and SO popular and has the potential to make such a difference in the world.

I've seen some worry that season 2 has had too much Kurt, but honestly I don't see what the problem is with that. OF COURSE I want more screentime for the rest of the cast (MIKE CHANG WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAVORITE), but I don't think a single second should be taken away from this storyline. This is the first storyline this show has ever done that I've actually been legitimately invested in.

I mean, I'm pretty much a Jon Groff stan and he was utterly fabulous, but writing-wise that storyline was all over the place, I don't think anyone can argue with that.
This show was definitely at it's best in general during the first 13 eps, but I can't say I was ever really that invested in any of the ~babymama drama~ or the love triangles that took over most of the airtime (even though I did love most of the characters involved).

Also, Chris Colfer is probably the best actor on the show so it would be a crime to not take advantage of that (he definitely deserves another Emmy nomination this year!).
I don't really get the thinking that only Rachel/Finn/Will are allowed to "carry" the show for a few episodes just because they were the designated "leads" at the start of the show. How often has a gay storyline (on a major network show) EVER been the A plot week after week?

There's been Ellen, Will & Grace, and Modern Family. And those are great sitcom examples, but I still think it's absolutely a rarity.

Are there other examples? I'm not just talking about shows that happen to have a gay character or a gay couple. I'm talking about really popular main stream shows on major networks where the gay storyline has been their A plot (for example, I don't know if Kevin/Scotty on Brothers & Sisters would necessarily count since they're never an "A" plot, but maybe).

I just wish that when people complain about this that they take into account how amazing and revolutionary this storyline is. And just how important it is at this particular moment in time (given the recent gay teen suicides).

This show will be on for years, I have no doubt that eventually everyone will have their chance to shine. But right now I'm really loving this show more than I ever have thanks to this storyline. And to Chris (and Darren). If I really must see a show that only puts their focus on straight teen love triangles I can watch any other teen show in history. It's time for something different.

There is too much hilarity in this GIF that I don't even know where to start. Just pick one guy and watch him. Then pick another one. I CAN'T EVEN. LOLZ FOREVER. DALTON IS AMAZING. IT'S LIKE DEAD POET'S SOCIETY THE MUSICAL.

At first I was laughing at the guy in the middle being like, "FUCK YEA!" but then when I looked at the other 3 I started laughing even harder. ROW AWAY, GUY ON THE SIDE, ROW AWAY!

WHAT DID THE AIR EVER DO TO THAT GUY NEXT TO KURT? And I love how Kurt turns his head slowly like "lol wtf? What is this rabbit hole that I have fallen into?"

Other GIFs:

First Meeting
Oh Blaaaaainnnne
Thank you latte
Spastic clapping
My heart stops when you look at me
Kurt excited

people: darren criss, picspam: glee, ship: kurt/blaine, picspam, tv: glee, public, people: chris colfer

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