"Your sheriff, Eric, came to speak to me last night,' the queen told me."

Sep 17, 2009 23:56


I'll be sobbing and mumbling in Swedish and wiping blood off of my cheeks while typing up this whole entry I'm sure.


P.S. This entry will also make ONTD cry.

Read more... )

people: alexander skarsgård, tv: true blood, picspam: why eric is awesome, sookie stackhouse, public

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starryeyedmagic September 18 2009, 08:11:41 UTC
But how are we supposed to be content with that kind of vague answer?
Exactly. And sadly, I think the problem is that there isn't really an answer. I'm sure that Eric was probably involved in whatever the Queen was doing with the blood somehow. I heard that the King of Mississippi will also be involved with whatever that is too so it's bound to be something huge that all the most powerful vamps are involved in.

BUT STILL, if we can have all these completely useless scenes of people just being ridiculous that have me looking at the clock and thinking "Why is this necessary?" then there could have been a way to deal with more aftermath to the Dallas storyline.
I mean, the reason why there was no after-math in the book was because Eric didn't have any direct involvement with it, nor did anyone else. Although they did deal with the after-math of Sookie having Eric's blood and learning to trust him more.

Having Bill and Sam be the heroes is just boring compared to that.
YES! Having the "heroes" save the day is just like "um ok, that's nice".

Honestly, I would have rather seen Jason/Andy help out Sam. haha.

I don't buy that you can't make committed couples interesting . . . but they sure aren't if nothing ever happens to them. After the first couple of episodes, did they ever even fight?
Nope. I think that is the problem if you want to follow the plot and try and make Bill/Sookie actually work. Their relationship is barely ever progressed beyond the first book (except for negatively in 3 and 6). There's not much to work with. Whereas I feel like something pretty significant happens with Sookie/Eric in every book.

It's bad because I'm going to a concert tomorrow night and then I'm going to a party on Saturday night but ALL OF MY FREE TIME BESIDES THAT WILL BE FOCUSED ON THE ROBIN PICSPAM!

I watched the clip where they're at the hockey game and Barney punches the guy and later is like I WOULD PUNCH A BABY! hahaha
But I refrained from the other ones. I rationalized it by wanting a "taste" but not wanting more than that.


katayla September 18 2009, 17:33:43 UTC
Although they did deal with the after-math of Sookie having Eric's blood and learning to trust him more.

You know, I really did think we'd at least get some of that this season. Eric/Sookie didn't even interact (except in the dreams) after Godric! Even taking any shippiness out of the equation, I feel like that's SUCH a bad decision! Like let's say Eric actually IS the dangerous guy Ball's comments implied. Let's deal with that. What would it mean that Sookie's had his blood?

I think that is the problem if you want to follow the plot and try and make Bill/Sookie actually work. Their relationship is barely ever progressed beyond the first book (except for negatively in 3 and 6).

Okay, seriously, what DOES Alan Ball see in Bill/Sookie??? Like, I guess I was biased even in the early books, having heard about how awesome Eric/Sookie are, but I just don't think I'd have ever fallen for them. They probably wouldn't been on of those bland, "okay, they're nice enough" couples for me. I guess I'm just not seeing the epic love story he is.

Ooh, I should've done that with the HIMYM clips. NEXT TIME. Have fun at the party/concert! Don't be like me and spend the whole time just thinking of HIMYM. :D


starryeyedmagic September 18 2009, 18:13:52 UTC
Exactly. I mean, that plot point that was a pretty HUGE thing in terms of her relationship with Bill even, and it was virtually ignored beyond her one conversation with Lafayette. And even then she didn't really talk about how she was feeling about any of it, she was just like "oh you too?"

And even if you're not looking at it in an "Eric/Sookie OTP 4 eva" kind of way (lol), it would still be interesting to see how any two characters would interact after their relationship has been altered so dramatically in both a physical (because of the blood) and emotional (because of the roof) way.

I honestly have no clue how anyone could read all the books and still ship Bill/Sookie. haha! I feel like after their rather blah relationship in the first book it's just one HORRIBLE thing after another. I mean, to the point where it would borderline offensive to me for Sookie to just forget everything and get back with him. I don't see how that's romantic at all?
Maybe if it was just one bad thing that would be ok to get over, but it's like a whole giant list. Sookie doesn't have to end up with Eric (I'd be disappointed, but shipping is not priority number 1), but I'd just feel really bad if she ended up with Bill. :/

Thanks! haha well tonight I'm going to the concert with my friend Joanna who JUST read all the Sookie books this week! She's been texting me all week long like "OMG ERIC JUST DID THIS" and "ERIC JUST DID THAT!" and she's totally obsessed with Eric/ASkars now! haha so we'll probably talk about Eric a lot.
It's funny because I remember talking to her about TB at the 4th of July part we were both at and she was like "Eric's cool I guess....I dunno, I don't really want to read the books..." AND LOOK AT HER NOW, I'M SO PROUD! ha
And it was just Eric from the show that made her want to check them out so really, AB isn't doing anything but making him 100% likable.


katayla September 18 2009, 19:58:38 UTC
And what with it being nearly a year before we got more episodes, I guess I do worry that we're never going to get much dealing with that aspect of Eric/Sookie. I suppose the blood will always be a plot point, but it would be weird to go back to the Godric stuff, sigh.

OH. That'll be awesome! One of my LJ friends is watching the show for the first time and is in the middle of the second book and is actually a big Bill/Sookie shipper, and doesn't get the Eric fuss. And I'm, like, KEEP READING.


starryeyedmagic September 19 2009, 05:36:45 UTC
Oh gosh, I didn't even think about that. But you're totally right. It would be weird if randomly in season 3 Eric and Sookie have a talk about her being there for Godric specifically. I mean, she can still mention how she saw how much he loved him in a general way, but it would be hard to bring back that specific moment. Especially since it was in episode 9 and not the finale.
Now that I'm thinking about it that episode probably would have been a much better finale (in terms of everything going on with Eric/Sookie/Bill at least).

I've run into so many people like that. They just need to keep in mind that Eric is barely in season 1/book 1. Why would there be a fuss over him over so little? And on the show he had that awful wig! lol.
But I feel like by mid season 2/book 2 most people usually "get it". You know, it's funny how things happened rather differently in book 2/season 2 and yet the timing is the same. I feel like everyone really FELL for Eric around the same time (just in slightly different ways).

If anyone can finish book 3 and still ship Bill/Sookie I will totally judge them though. haha! That includes Alan Ball.


katayla September 19 2009, 07:14:43 UTC
Yeah, I think it'll probably affect whatever happens with Eric/Sookie in s3, but I don't think they can talk about it specifically.

If anyone can finish book 3 and still ship Bill/Sookie I will totally judge them though. haha! That includes Alan Ball.

Haha, but YES. It's not really one of those "we can agree to disagree" ships. I mean, I can (sort of) understand the book readers who don't ship Eric/Sookie, but I don't get the book Bill/Sookie shippers AT ALL.


starryeyedmagic September 19 2009, 18:28:53 UTC
Exactly, and that's my biggest problem with the whole Bill/Sookie thing.

Like, if you ship Sookie/Sam or Sookie/Alcide or even Sookie/Quinn then go for it. It's not my thing but, who really cares? We all have different views on things.

I mean really, shipping is not that important in the grand scheme of things anyway.

But with Bill, it's just not like that. For me, it has nothing to do with shipping. After 9 books I've grown to like Sookie, she's flawed and sometimes I want to slap her, but I could say that about all of my good friends IRL too, haha. And I just...would never want that character to end up back in a relationship that was so horrible for her. No one should have to get over that many things. I mean, if it was one or two issues that were there for conflict, then fine. But in the books at least CH just took it WAY too far.
And even if they change everything in the show and make it not so bad, I'd still think, "Well why would you even base your tv show around a relationship that was so crappy to begin with?" That just strikes me as odd.
Especially when there's also Eric/Sookie, and their biggest problem seems to be that he has his own life aside from her (HOW HORRID!).


katayla September 19 2009, 20:55:24 UTC
I wonder how many books Alan Ball DID read before he started developing the show. I know it wasn't all and I think it might've been just the first two.

And even if he did read book 3 . . . I wonder how much the fact that he's a man has to do with it. I don't like making too many men vs. woman arguments, but I feel like it DOES make a difference and it has nothing to do with sexuality and who you're attracted to. Being a woman just makes you more vulnerable. Because we're physically weaker and because of the way the world treats us.

A human man in Sookie's would have some of the same problems when it comes to the vampires, but I think the difference is Sookie (and women in general) have to face those problems with human men, too. If Sookie were in that trunk with a human man, she probably couldn't have fought him off either. But a human man in the trunk with another human man? Then you have a chance. So I think that makes it resonate on a deeper level and makes me more disgusted with Bill and more appreciative of Eric, and maybe Ball just doesn't see that.


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