"Like you some muslim Buffy with a dick!"

Jun 24, 2009 22:43

o1. Ah! I have been horrible at LJ this past week! I apologize. My excuse is that I worked a bit longer hours (which is good for money) and....ok TBH, it's 97% this guy's fault:

Gosh, he glamored the fuck out of me and it still hasn't worn off yet! Smug bastard.

o2. Other than ~flailing~ over Eric I did actually go to the movies (yes, the actual movie theater) twice this past weekend. This is almost unheard of for me. I'm a huge film buff and I see tons of movies, but I'm also a cheap bastard.

On Saturday, Chiya and I went to see Away We Go for my bb, John Krasinski. And, wow! I really loved it. There was a scene at the end that had me in tears. And I don't mean 1 single tear that I can pretend never happened...I mean that I was so moved I actually full out cried.

On Sunday, I went to go see The Hangover with my parents because that's what my dad wanted to do for Father's Day (haha, my dad can be kind of awesome). It was beyond hilarious, I died laughing repeatedly. And mmmm Bradley Cooper! Does anyone find it amusing that BC is playing all assholes now? Wiiillll!
My brother didn't come with us to the movie because he went to a concert with his girlfriend. On Sunday morning I got up early to make my dad breakfast, I went to he movies with him because that's what he wanted to do, and then we had a nice dinner. My brother wasn't there for any of it which was kind of douchey IMO. I tried to coordinate something with him but he never bothered to call me back. My dad was lucky to get a "Happy Father's Day" from him. I mentioned what we did to my brother yesterday and he was like, "geez Laura, way to make me feel bad" and I didn't say anything. But I thought, "Well, YOU SHOULD!" :/

o3. Going back to my lover (barf, I hate that phrase now) Eric, I'm now reading the 5th Sookie Stackhouse book. I started the first one only a week ago! In the past week I also got completely caught up on True Blood, so between the books and the show the Southern Vampires kind of ate all of my free time! You know how it is getting into a new fandom and all...

The books are so shitty, but in a fun/addicting way(I did read 4 of them in only 6 days, ha). Sookie annoys me sometimes but I don't want to smack her constantly like other people (BELLA!). The bad writing quality does grain on me, but it's still better than Twilight thankfully. These are the reasons why:

1. Eric
2. SEX
3. Eric!
4. Sometimes you can laugh with it and not at it (although I do also laugh at it a lot)
5. ~ERIC!!~

I came across a blog the other day that pretty much summed up my thoughts exactly on the series. I can't remember precisely what was said but it was something about how perplexing it is that such a crappy series can contain such an incredibly awesome character. Seriously, the only vampire I like more than Eric is Spike. Or possibly Count Von Count from Sesame Street. He's really the HBIC of the Vampire world you know! (Count Chocula would be his 2nd in command a la Pam)

So, basically I have mad love for this BAMF character. And because of that...I had to picspam him (and don't expect this to be the last time I'll do this either!)

Eric: Is there blood in my hair?
Lafayette: What?
Eric: Is there blood in my hair?
Lafayette: I dunno, I can't see in this light.
Eric: How about now?
Lafayette: Yea, there's a little bit of blood in there. Yea.
Eric: Oh this is bad. Pam's gonna kill me!

Pam: This is a disaster! We'll have to go much shorter than I planned!
Eric: Well I said I was sorry, Pam! He took silver to me. (To Lafayette) You were there, you saw it! Defend me!

Every single line of dialogue in this scene was brilliant. I seriously had to hold myself back from typing up the whole thing. Eric said pussylover! And Lafayette!

Lafayette: So if I got even a Jew in an Al Queda pep rally shot of getting my black ass up out this motherfucker' I'm takin' it!

Eric: Good evening, old sport!
Bill: Eric?
Eric: It's the new me. You like?
Bill: I do! Very much!
Saleslady who was hitting on Bill: (realizing how slashy they're being) OH! Ok! lolz!

HAHAHAHAHA! THIS WAS MY FAVORITE MOMENT OF THE WHOLE EP! Someone thinking Bill/Eric are gay while they're shopping in Forever 21? PRICELESS!

I love Bill's "WTF?" face and Eric's smirk in the last cap. ha!

Bill is so much more amusing in the TV show than in the books. He's pretty much a nice guy in the first 2 books (and then becomes a giant douchebag in book 3....) but even at his best he was never this entertaining (he's pretty much Edward Cullen without the sparkle TBH).

And you know what else I love? Bill was in Forever 21 because he was shopping for Jessica, that makes sense. But Eric was in Forever 21 because he was shopping for...himself?
Also, lol the tracksuit!

Eric: We made a deal, your human and I, that if i didn't kill anyone she would work for me as often as I like. Now you remember this, don't you? You were there.
Bill: Taking her across state lines is a far cry from taking her to Fangtasia for the evening!
Eric: I'm only asking your permission out of respect. If I want her I can simply take her. Is no your final answer?
Bill: It is!
Eric: Poorly played, Bill.

See? Bill's possessiveness is SO Edward Cullen.

Lafayette: Make me a vampire!
Eric: I beg your pardon?
Lafayette: Look, I'm already a person of poor moral character so I hit the ground running, and I damn near glamor people already!

First of all, GUUUUH! I find tracksuits in general to be horribly unattractive but damn, Eric is workin' it. And Pam too. It's completely adorbs that they match. heh.
I'd totally ship Pam/Eric if Vampire/Vampire relationships weren't out of the norm in this series (btw, I still find it bizarre that Vamps don't usually like dating each other. It would be so much easier for them if they did, I mean think logically guys!).

I would LOVE for Lafayette to become a vampire actually. His reasons are really solid. Could you imagine Lafayette and Pam as BFFs? Omg that would be the best thing ever. Although with that said, I don't think that's going to happen (at least not right away, my fingers are crossed for later in the season though).


omg Sam! ♥
He's still wearing his plaid shirt. Sam is like the most adorable dog ever, ngl.

Where did this come from? :p

I dunno, the screencaps were sitting there and I just...it just happened. lol

I hope the show goes there. But I actually hope they get there in a different way than the books...

The Books

Ok first of all, how childish are these book covers?!
They look like they were written for 12 year olds!

Seriously, I can just picture my 13 year old cousin (who's obsessed with Twilight) walking into B&N or Borders or something and seeing these (WHICH ARE RIGHT NEXT TO THE TWILIGHT BOOKS IN THE BORDERS ON 32nd and 2nd BTW!)
She would think they were similar and start reading...and then be traumatized for life. These books are NOT for kids. There's a reason the TV show adaption is on HBO and not the CW!

Eric would mock these covers. He'd burst out laughing and wonder why the heck he and Bill are dressed up as Dracula, was it Halloween at Fangtasia?

Book 1 - Dead Until Dark
+ This was pretty much s1 of True Blood almost exactly. The only real differences are that Tara isn't in it at all and they expanded on Lafayette and Jason's characters a ton (+ Lizzy Caplan's character wasn't in the books sadly).
+ Also, BILL DIDN'T KILL LONG SHADOW, ERIC DID! That was one of the few changes that the show made that kind of bothered me (although I guess it did bring about Jessica and everything...)
I suppose it's not that big of a deal in the long run. I'm over it. But still...

Book 2 - Living Dead In Dallas
I'm not even kidding! That is hands down the best part! I was dying of laughter! THEY HAVE TO INCLUDE THAT SCENE! THEY HAVE TO! That is probably the 1 thing I want to see more than anything else in the entire book series.
+ Seriously, this book was way more entertaining than the first one just because Eric became a main character (which I assume is exactly what I'm going to say about s1 vs. s2 in the future).
+ Oh and Eric/Sookie first kissed in this book and it was hot as all hell! I really hope they do that scene on the show word-for-word. And I hope Eric gets to make out with her a bit at the orgy too.
+ Over all I'm loving the changes that the show has made so far. Jason being involved with the cult is kind of perfect. He was barely in the book at all so they needed to figure out something for him to do, and he just really is that clueless...plus it makes the whole situation a bit more personal for Sookie which should be interesting.
+ I also love that they took the maenad which was such a "wtf" minor character and developed her into Maryanne (I assume the orgies will all take place at her house).

Book 3 - Club Dead
+ ERIC ♥
+ I really loved Alcide! But this is kind of where I began to get a little annoyed with Sookie. I hate when everyone wants the main character. It's ridiculous. If it was just Bill and Eric that would be one thing, but adding Alcide as another potential love interest was a bit too much. CH likes to keep repeating the fact that all human guys think Sookie is crazy and it's only ~magical~ guys that like her but plz, it's still absurd.
+ The Eric/Sookie hook up here was AMAZING! Stupid Elvis Bubba for interrupting!
+ OK WTF BILL?! Seriously Bill's character got totally shit on in this book. First he just takes off on business and barely tells Sookie anything, and then he hooks up with his ex (who later betrays him), and then HE ALMOST KILLS AND ACTUALLY RAPES SOOKIE! I mean, I get that it was sort of an accident and he didn't realize what he was doing but...I dunno If I would ever be able to look at Bill again regardless. Especially since Sookie was sexually assaulted as a child!
Plus, how the hell do you "accidentally" rape someone?! I get that he was out of it, and I can see how he wouldn't be able to resist taking a bit too much blood from her due to hunger, but why in the world would he have to take his dick out?! I understand that blood lust and regular lust are tied together BUT STILL!
Does that mean there's something the matter with Bill or something wrong with all Vamps in general(would any vamp just have raped her on the spot)?
+ I'm guessing Sookie was thinking of the latter which is why she uninvited both Bill and Eric from her house at the end. I was pretty proud of her there. Even though Eric did nothing wrong and was nothing short of amazing in this book, what Bill did to her was definitely enough to turn anyone off from Vamps (and men in general) at least for the time being.

Book 4 - Dead To The World
+ I had heard such good things about this book before reading it. It seemed to be a favorite of the fandom but...TBH I really didn't like it that much.
+ Eric had more page time here than in the other books but at the same time...he also had so much less. He was there in almost every chapter but I still missed him like crazy!
+ First of all, the entire concept of this book was pure crappy fanfic material. Eric is cursed by a witch and loses his memory so he starts acting all sweet/nice and OOC which leads to him and Sookie falling in love? Um....
+ I would understand if he was not really "himself" for the first couple of chapters since losing your memory is rather traumatic, but afterward...YOU CAN STILL HAVE THE SAME BASIC PERSONALITY/SENSE OF HUMOR IF YOU LOST YOUR MEMORY! Ugh, I missed his snarky comments so much. Sure, his real personality and a comment or 2 snuck in there a few times but it wasn't enough. He was still basically a pod person for the entire book.
It was kind of like the season 4 premiere of HIMYM where Barney tried to act all nice and Ted-like so Robin would like him more and Robin was just like "WTF? I don't like this. You're being weird! I WANT YOU TO BE BARNEY!" Imagine if Barney had acted like that ALL SEASON long...and eventually it worked. The sex would still be hot but it wouldn't be 1/10th as hot as it would have been if he was just "himself". This would never have worked on HIMYM anyway because Robin > Sookie, s2s!
+ I actually found the Sookie/Eric hook up in book 3 (where they got to 3rd base) to be WAAAY hotter than any of the sex they had in this book. Because Eric was Eric when that happened, not some random douche.
+ And let's face it...book 4!Eric was just a little too over the top. He was sweet, but I really think CH went too far with making him "different". Wtf was up with all the "my lover" crap? I know he said that before this book once or twice but back then I found it funny. Like he would say "Ah, my future lover!" with a smirk on his face and Sookie would just hit him and be like "STFU, you're such a bastard. I hate you!" and I would laugh and it would all be wonderful. But if you start saying "my lover" constantly when your personality is more like Sam or Bill you just sound like a douche. I'm sorry, but it's true.
+ There was one point where Eric said something and Sookie replied, "That's exactly what Bill said!" and I wanted to cry. ERIC AND BILL SHOULD NEVER SAY THE SAME THING!
+ You know when I actually did almost burst into tears? When Eric got his memory back! OH GOD THAT WAS THE BEST PART! I haven't wanted to hug a fictional character so hard in a long time.
+ Generally speaking, I liked how it ended. It'll be interesting for Sookie to remember every bit of their time "together" while he still assumes it didn't happen (although I'm sure on some level he'll know. It almost happened one too many times in book 3. It would be ridiculous to think she wouldn't have touched him while he was stuck in her house night after night, just laying his hotness out there!)

Book 5 - Dead As A Doornail
+ I'm about 100 pgs in so far and I'm enjoying it. I heard this was one of the weaker books in the series but at this point I don't really agree, but maybe I'll change my mind once I finish, we'll see!
+ The scene where she went to see Eric in Fangtasia was awesome. This exactly how I hoped their relationship would play out after book 4!
+ I AM SO GLAD THAT ALCIDE ACTUALLY SAID THAT BILL RAPED SOOKIE! While reading the last book I was getting kind of worried that the author meant us to view it as "not a big deal". But it was a fucking huge deal IMO. :/

I should be done with books 5-9 by next week! lol cause I'm crazy like that!

o5. Since I didn't post on Monday I think I'm going to skip Music Monday this week. BUT since I can't let a week go by without uploading music I'll still give you 3 great songs:

♪ Yacht - Psychic City
(This is such a fun song that many a blogger have already called, 'the song of the summer'. That personally feels like a bit of over-hype to me but I still enjoy it)

♪ Alexi Murdoch - Blue Mind
(This is from the amazing sdtrk to 'Away We Go'. I'm in love with every song on it.)

♪ Tiny Vipers - Dreamer
(The singer's voice here is so haunting and gorgeous. The song makes you ache. I can't stop listening to it.)

o6. MEME:

Name a fandom, and I'll give you the scoop on at least three of my unpopular opinions related to that fandom.

I hope this doesn't get lost in the epic nature of this entry! ha

holiday: father's day, film: away we go, people: alexander skarsgård, tv: true blood, meme, public, music monday, picspam: why eric is awesome, ship: eric/sookie, sookie stackhouse, film: the hangover

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