o1. UGH I AM SO SICK! I didn't work today because I am dying a slow and horrible cold related death. ALAS! *achoo*
o2. I realize that about 117 people have already done picspams of this but I just needed to share my own brand of over-analyzing insanity.
HIMYM - 4.24 - The Leap - mostly Barney/Robin centric PICSPAM + massive commentary )
After multiple viewings of the last scene (and not just for the song, which I love), I decided that I'd be too terrified to jump to the next building. And if I did, I'd definitely fall. And then there'd be no way back over if I made it.
Marshall and Lily are the biggest BroTP shippers ever. I really hope Ted starts shipping them soon.
I loved Barney with the violin. That was adorable.
The hospital scene was great.
Adding to memories.
I guess the buildings were closer together than they seemed, and the other one was slighter lower so it only...looked scary. That's what I'm assuming. Because otherwise it seems kind of insane, lol. Like I get the metaphor, but I doubt Ted would want to leap into another career if he or one of his friends accidentally DIED! woops!
I think Ted does ship them. He's been pretty smiley about it thus far. I think he'll be happy. He just probably won't cry about it like Marshall, haha!
I just dled it! :D
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