"I bought a fucking gateau!"

Mar 18, 2009 23:57

→ You've all see the Blake/Leighton pics I'm sure, but I'm posting them here anyway just so I can look back on this entry and think, "Remember that time they were super gay in Rolling Stone? Yea, good times."

This makes me want them to make a storyline out of that time in the books when Blair said they drunkenly made out and it confused her bc she liked it too much, lol!

(I took this from ac_lovebug who got it from make_icons.)

+ Now Sun has to figure out how to go back in time? lol. I wonder why she stayed in the present while everyone else jumped back.
+ Sawyer was being kind of an ass to Jack at the end. I feel weird saying that because every other time they've ever had a conversation it's been the opposite, lol. But...Jack just wanted to know WTF was going on and Sawyer was just like "GOD YOU TOOK KATE AND YOU WERE A SHIT LEADER BEFORE. YOU FAIL AT LIFE!" I miss their slight bromance. This wasn't even their sexy bickering, this was just kind of annoying.

→ And I needed to put this up before tomorrow night's new ep:

Aw, Cook and his woobie face. He needs the love too.

Katie: Babe, I'm not being funny but you look like microwave shit!

It cracks me up that while everyone is laughing and being merry Effy has "Machine Gun" by Portishead blasting in her head.

Cook: I bought a fucking gateau!

It's almost odd to think of Cook and Effy going on dates like regular people. But I think Cook really just needs someone in his life. I mean, without Freddie (and sort of without JJ) who's he even going to talk to?

This was kid of ridiculous. Who the heck would chase down a bunch of kids with an actual gun just for the lulz. What was the point?

They're all so cute when they're frolicking about!

D'aww. I wish we had seen more of them just being adorable together.

I can't believe they were all just like 'yay random wild mushrooms!'
This would be insane if it were RL. Just because it'd be so hard to tell if they were poisonous or not.
But since it's just a TV show I love that they're all happy about it. And I love that JJ didn't take any and just wants to have fun with the sparklers. Aw.

Katie just needs to chill and grab a sparkler. JJ's not tripping either and he's havin' a blast! haha

I genuinely like Effy and Pandora better when they're together. Their friendship is sweet. I can barely stand Pandora otherwise now. blah.

You can barely make it out since the sound seems to still be from Effy's POV, but I think Emily/Naomi/JJ (aka the trio of awesomeness) are noticing the Freddie/Effy hand holding and talking about it. Or the lezzys are talking, while JJ is still running around fascinated by the bright lights, lol.
I'd be pretty appalled by this if I were Emily...or Katie to wake up to that. It's kind of cold.

Katie: Listen, Effy, I didn't even want you here in the first place and you've ruined my night. The only reason I invited you hear was because you can drive and you're sort of embarrassing yourself , don't you think? It's pretty sad, throwing yourself at your mate's boyfriend really.
Effy: Katie, come sit down...
Katie: I'm not being nasty or anything! I don't think you even realize you're doing it. It's just...it makes you look like a desperate whore!

WHY DIDN'T THEY MAKE OUT?! YOU KNOW THEY WANTED TO! JJ is sad when his mommy and daddy fight. :(

Emily & Naomi are kind of annoyed that they have been out-gayed by Freddie & Cook.

- I couldn't even take a cap of JJ screaming at Cook because it makes me too sad. Woe!
- See? Emily/JJ/Naomi = trio of awesomeness
- Cook just wanted someone to give a damn about him. In whatever way he needed to feel that someone cared enough to hit him.
- Thomas deserves so much better than Pandora. And wtf? HE WALKED HOME?! Didn't they drive kind of far? Were the writers like "He's from the Congo, he can walk all the way home!" lol

- I think this all really happened but we just saw a much more exaggerated version of it since it was from Effy's tripped out perspective. I mean, Effy has no bruises and Katie wasn't tripping. She would have to be actually psychotic if she were really trying to strangle Effy to death.
- Katie deserved to be slapped or kneed in the groin for sure(messing with someone who's tripping is HORRIBLE) but...you can kill someone by hitting them with a rock. If Katie had died Effy would be in jail for manslaughter right now. I get that she was tripping but...geez. Look at all that blood on the rock!

- lol, oh Effy. Leaving bodies in her wake!

I don't even like them together but I still thought this was pretty hot. Well...ignoring the fact that she just hit Katie in the head with a rock and left her to bleed to death so she could go fuck her boyfriend, lolz!

JJ: A bit cramped in there! Me and 2 girls in 1 tent! Nightmare! You ladies like to wriggle, don't you?

AH THE TRIO OF AWESOMENESS! hee, oh innocent little JJ. And Emily...who has slept with everyone in that tent. ha.
- I love the way that Naomi is looking at Emily and Emily is blushing right before they notice JJ. So presh.

- How nice of Freddie & Effy to walk back to the campsite holding hands. Just so much class, ha.
Freddie is obviously not thinking about running into his girlfriend. And Effy obviously isn't thinking about her either considering the fact that she left her in the woods to bleed to death, lol!
- I rationalized that they all must have left because they couldn't get any cell phone reception. And maybe they thought Katie left if Thomas randomly did. Effy was the only one who knew she had been lying on the ground bleeding.

- I did feel really awful for Effy here. Thinking you committed manslaughter totally has to suck.

Effy: She woke up then?
Freddie: Yea, she woke up!
Effy: Fred, listen she...pulled my hair!
Freddie: So what? She pulled your hair so you smashed her head open!

Freddie's face in that last cap of him is so classic. LOVE.

Freddie is a total ass too but...smashing someone in the skull with a rock is a bit worse than cheating. Even if it was by accident. The worst part being that the next day she didn't say anything. I mean, if she had maybe they wouldn't have left so quickly. Luckily, Katie didn't die but...she could have. And Effy telling or not telling what she knew might have made the difference in whether she lived or died. I get that you wouldn't want to tell people that but your own shame kind of takes a backseat when someone's life is at stake.

Cook: It's you and me, babe. It's always gonna be you and me. It's always you and me.

I like this. I don't think they have all of these ~deep feelings~ for each other right now though. I think they're both just alone. And they both desperately need someone. (And they're both totally in love with Freddie, ha)

HOWEVER I can see those ~feelings~ developing in time since they're both so...similar. For better or worse they at least understand each other.

They both even said "Hit Me" in this episode. They want to feel and they want someone to give a damn. I guess they could get that from each other....

tv: lost, tv: gossip girl, tv: skins, picspam, public

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