Skins - 3.03 - Thomas
Thomas = awesome, basically
He loves doughnuts, he raps in french, and he has the most adorable brother and sister ever!
They were kind of cute...I guess. I'm still not sold on Pandora TBH. She's still a bit too spastic. But I do like her a lot more now than I did before. And hopefully since her ep is next week I'll like a bit more then too.
I may not like Pandora that much but her first kiss was still rather presh.
- If Pandora's going to start having sex she's going to have to ditch the granny bra asap.
- I'm really not getting how this whole interaction makes Pandora & Thomas boyfriend and girlfriend? They made out like 1 time...
- I know when I'm heartbroken I always want someone with a chainsaw around!
- Effy seemed like an actual human being for a bit in this ep! :O
- I loved her walking down the hallway with tears in her eyes
Katie, she's just not that into you!
- I'm in love with their hair color, like srsly!
- I think I'm looking forward to their episode the most.
- I really want to see another side to them. Like in the last few caps with JJ? How cute! They may be high/drunk but it's nice to know that they can actually you know, get along!
- Emily Fitch is the cutest thing in the history of earth
- I am amused by how fascinated Effy is by Naomi/Emily.
Emily: I didn't take MDMA that night. I just...wanted to kiss you. I want to kiss you now.
- LOVE LOVE LOVE x infinity
- I'm so into this it's ridiculous.
Boys ♥
- This episode needed more of the boys. Because they love each other and I want to hear all about it.
- Cook grabbing JJ's crotch kind of delights me. ha!
- Does anyone think they look alike?
- Naomi looks like she's gonna have a seizure in the 2nd cap, ha
- I don't ship these two in a serious way. I really could care less if they "end up together". I just think they're hot as fuck. So they should have sex more.
- Cook looks pretty in the 2nd cap
- I still do not get why Naomi is there. It seems like Emily invited her...and she has no other friends? *shrug*
- The crowd caps are there because they all show something adorable:
- In the 1st, look at how amused Cook is by Pandora! Aw. And he was probably the one that picked her up later.
- In the 2nd, Emily and Naomi are looking at each other and giggling!
- In the 3rd, Cook has his arms all over JJ and it's adorable
- How high are they that they would all sit on the couch like that? haha, rly?
- Cook/Effy kissing right next to Freddie is kind of harsh, but he probably didn't notice. yay drugs!
Overall, it was a much better episode than the last 2 weeks. It still needed more boys though. And the lezzys need to make out.