Jul 05, 2007 00:57

No ginormous SYTYCD musing from last week. Too much other stuff going on that's waaaaay more important. Here it is in a nutshell, though: Duet night? Everyone was awesome. Except for Cedric. Shauna was good, though. Solo night? The moment they announced the bottom three couples, I said, "Oh fuck." Neil versus Jesus versus Danny? Eff that! They're all awesome. But Jesus was the one to go of the three. He's just great; the other two are incredible. As for the girls? All their solos sucked. Lauren's sucked the most, but I still love her. Jessi's sucked the least, but alas, they sent her home. My theory? That she was too much of a liability. That was actually the second time she was hospitalized during the run of the show. They didn't want the potential for someone to find a loophole so she could sue their asses. That's what I got for now. No show this week due to July 4th. Good. I was en route home anyway.


Yessir. I officially signed my first lease today. NOW I'm an adult. I'm moving to a place in Sherman Oaks. Right after we decided that was where we were going to move, I google mapped it and saw how close it was to the important things: The Edge, Millenium, 24 Hour Fitness, and Bank of America (all within 2 miles.) Then I checked the secondary important things: Target, Walmart, the grocery store, the Burbank Airport. Everything is still just over 5 miles away. Lastly, I looked up where the nearest Border's Bookstore is so that I knew which bookstore to send my pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, because I haven't yet because I didn't know where I'd be! I think we picked a great location! Plus, the landlord said that 85% of the residents are around our age, which is awesome. No one lives below or above us, which means we can dance and choreograph all we want. The guy is supplying us with a fridge. There's a washer/dryer in the unit. The complex has a pool.... I could go on, but I'll spare yall.

Still don't know when I'm offially moving in. Narrowed it down to either next week or in three. I would prefer the former, although that means that I have to pack up uber fast and won't be able to go to the family reunion in Destin, FL. Plus, that means I have to quit at the dance studio and at Chili's a little sooner that I initially thought. Chili's I'm not too too sad about. The studio though kinda makes me want to cry.

I also got a new car! Bought slightly on a whim, but we knew I was getting one anyway. It's a mazda3, and it's dark grey, and it has a sunroof, a 6 CD changer, and an iPod hookup in the car. So.... the important stuff.

This is real, yall.
It's really really real.

moving, sytycd, los angeles

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