Procrastination happens best during and before finals week

May 01, 2007 17:00

So, I know I'm overdue for a top ten o' the week. I'll make it up to you soon, I promise. Right now though, I have waaaay too much work to do to actually think about what is going well in my life. Plus, I'm a little too jazzed with school almost being over. In the spirit of recently completing a huge assignment though, I will do a survey for my own personal enjoyment:


Name: Lauryn

Sisters: 0

Brothers: 1.5

Eye Color: brown

Shoe size: 9

Height: 5' 3"

What are you wearing right now: jeans, grey tank top, slate blue hooded henley

Favorite Number: 27 (I always change whatever my favorite number is on these things because I don't actually have a favorite number.)

Favorite Drink: non-alcoholic- lemonade, alcoholic- amaretto sour

Favorite Month: June

Favorite Breakfast: Waffles and fruit

***********Have You Ever*****************

Bungee jumped: negative

Made yourself throw-up?: I physically can't. No matter how hard I try and need to, I cannot do it.

Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Yes

Broken a bone: My pinky toe

Been in a police car: nope

Been on a plane: I've been on too many planes!

Came close to dying: three times

Been in a sauna: Yeah

Been in a hot tub: STD central. yes.

Swam in the ocean: Yup. And I soon will be able to all the time when I live in Cali.

Fallen asleep in school: Uf! All the time

Broken someone's heart: I doubt it...?

Cried when someone died: yes

Cried in school: yeah

Fell off your chair: From laughing, I'm sure

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call you: Yeah

Saved e-mails: Yes

Been cheated on: Not that I'm aware of, but most likely

Did you give that person a second chance: I probably wouldn't... Or actually, I probably would. I don't know.
*********What is-****************

Your room like: Cute. We're working on that, though.

Whats right beside you: Articles for my various papers I'm not working on right now

--------------------------Ever Had- -------------------------------

Chicken pox: I had five of them

Sore throat: Has anyone NOT ever had a sore throat?

Stitches: never *knock on wood*

Broken nose: nope
-------------------------Do You------------------------------------

Believe in love at first sight: That's a load of bullshit.

Like picnics: Yeah, as long as there's no mosquitoes or humidity

Like school: I do, actually.


Who was the last person you called? Kelly

Who was the last person you danced with? The tap club, but if we're talking about dancing like social dancing, then Diego or R

Who was the last person to make you laugh? A story about Elyssa made me laugh

Who was the last person you kissed? R


Did you last yell at: I don't know. Probably Reuben.

Do you like filling these out: They're entertaining when I need entertainment

Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: Both, but mostly contacts

Do you like yourself: I am content with myself

---------------------Final Questions---------------------------

What are you listening to right now: Mos Def

What did you do today?: Class, Took Kelly to the doctor, lunch at Applebee's, chilled in the pub, More class, Bought my dress for Sherry Party, didn't do my homework-- in that order

Hated someone in your family?: Never. Unless you count sister-in-laws

What car do you wish to have: Hybrid Ford Escape

Where do you want to get married? In a volcano! Or underwater! Or in the canopy of the rainforest! (Translation: I don't know, and nor do I feel like thinking about it in detail right now)

Good driver: Yup

Good singer: I'm an alright singer.

Diamond or pearl: Diamond

Are you oldest: I'm the baby of the family!

Indoors or outdoors: What's the weather like? Then you can guess my answer.

----------------------------Today did you------------------------------

1. Talk to someone: Sure

2. Buy something: A purty dress

3. Get sick: no

4. Sing: In the shower and the car

5. Talked to an ex?: Not today

6. Miss someone: Yeah, Jenny for being in London

----------------------------Last person who---------------------------

7. Was in your bed: Me

8. Saw you cry? Whoever watched me at IC Unbound

9. Made you cry? Can I blame my seniority as the one who made me cry?

10. Went to the movies with: Elyssa, when we went to see Pan's Labyrinth forever and a day ago

11. You went to the mall with: No clue the last time I did go to the mall. I'm going to guess Kelly because that's the best and most logical answer I can come up with for now.

12.Fell in love with? Ashton. I don't believe I've been in love since Ashton.

13.You told you loved? Kelly

14.Made-out with? R

15.Texted? Elyssa, to confirm the funny story that made me laugh earlier

*******Ever Been************

16. In a fight with your pet?: I get in fights with Lysander the fish every other morning!

17. Out of State? Yes

18. To Mexico: Yep

19. To Canada: Indeed

20. To Germany: Not yet


21. Do you have a crush on someone: You could call it that

22. What books are you reading right now: Arcadia by Tom Stoppard (for class), The Autobiography of Malcolm X (for pleasure), The New H.N.I.C. (for class)

23. Best feeling in the world: Doing simple nice things for people just because

24. Future kids name: Bryce Alexander for my first boy, and a long list for my first girl

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Bunny

26. What's under your bed: Nothing right now

27. Favorite sport to watch: Basketball

28. Favorite location: Los Angeles

29. Piercing/Tattoos: 2 holes in each ear lobe, 2 cartilage piercings on my left ear, and my belly button. No tattoos yet-- still searching for the perfect symbol

31. What are you most afraid of right now?: Failure

32. Who do you really hate? I don't really hate anyone. I do really really really not like a couple of people.

33. Do you have a job?: Besides carrying around a video camera everywhere? No.

35. Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?: Not really, actually. Unless you go way back to middle school, but even then, I totally could have gotten them.

37. Are you lonely right now: Not particularly

38. Song that's stuck in your head right now? One Sweet Day by Mariah Carey

39. Have you ever played strip chess?: A) I have never played strip anything. B) I don't know how to play chess. Therefore, C) I have never played strip chess.


What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes and Smile


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