CADD Art Party

May 19, 2007 10:47

cadd party dress

last night i got to attend this nice swanky
CADD art party, which kicked off the CADD art fair,
open to the public today and tomorrow.
basically about 12 or so galleries in dallas got together
(CADD = Contemporary Art Dealers of Dallas)
and opened their own little rooms in this big facility
to hang and sell work from their gallery. Since I'm interning
at PanAmerican ArtProjects, they had me come.
It was a catered/open bar formal affair that made me nervous at first,
then irrirated at the way the day went--
basically they asked me to come down a lot earlier than I needed
to help them set up, but by the time I got there they were done setting up
so I was sent a text message that I should just shop or grab a bite or whatever
in dallas and then stop by after 6pm. but they sent the text at 3:40 pm,
when i was 10 minutes away from the venue.
so i basically hung out at a coffeeshop/walked a bit in deep ellum (yeah i know)
and then headed over to this shindig, at which they didnt come until 6:40.
(party started at 7pm) once it got going though i felt a lot better.
considering that i don't live that far from dallas, i have a bad
sense of direction and i don't know my way around it, hence my anxiety
about hanging out for that long.
anyway, it was exciting to take part of the whole thing, which was unadvertised
so it was mostly artists and people who buy art, and i got a nice goodie bag on the way out.

today is my first free day all week since
my screenprinting class is 8 hrs a day, monday-thursday. and i've been staying late.
i'm kind of giddy with the idea of "oooh what do i do today??"
which is a bad thing for me because on days when i lack structure, i sometimes
waste them. take now, for instance, i am still in my pajamas and it's 11:00 am.
yikes. i might work on some screenprinting, do some cleaning here, tons of laundry,
maybe paint a wall in my studio light grey. wendi and i were talking about going to
an art museum today. my suggestions last night were a toss up
between the Pretty Baby exhibit at the Ft. Worth Modern
or Fast Forward at the DMA.
we shall see.
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