Quick Updates on Life

Dec 05, 2007 13:51

It's snowing outside! The first big snow in Philly. I am very happy right now, being INSIDE and cozy by the heater. I don't fancy having to walk outside to get to class in an hour, but I'll enjoy watching the snow from the other side of the window while I can ;)

Final week is approaching, and I have about 209384098 things to do. For Programming, I'm doing the web project (*cough* yes, learning something new) which is making a web calendar that can record events. Of course, they need to throw some object-ness into the project since Java is all OOP, so instead of a rational rendering of the calendar workings, we're using a class to display out the calendar cells ._. Nevertheless, it's quite fun since I'm pretty much done with mine, and I get to add some extra bells and whistles with rollovers, semi-transparent calendar cells, and maybe even some ajax fetching if I can be bothered.

Oh! But the one new thing I have learned so far is extract()! I never knew there was a function that could do that; I had been writing my own xD

For Drawing, I need to finish my self portrait by Tuesday.
My English writing portfolio is due Monday.

AIEEE MATH FINAL is on Wednesday. I am, very literally, (still) failing math right now, I believe. My raw average is a 61, but this will hopefully increase if the TA curves up my midterm grades, because the averages between my old class and my current class differed a lot. My grade also has a good potential to decrease, seeing as I screwed up the quiz today with two math mistakes that messed up the entire problem. Plan: study my butt off before next Wednesday and do well on the final. Hopefully.

My Linguistics project is due tomorrow; I'm going to submit my project on disk rather than a file of paper because a) it saves trees! *fwee* and b) I want to include the sound clips (all 168 of them), because they took so. damn. long. to record and analyze. It also took a ton of time to render graphs -- someone should really make a super duper (free) graph kit that isn't Excel.

Now, consider this comment on my Art Gallery:

AWESOME! can i borrow it for my lookup!? thanks! Its on my lookie now! it looks so cool! neomail me if u want credit (Hannah! on Ocean Dive)

First of all, HOW IN THE WORLD does one "borrow" art? It's either take it. Or don't. (The correct answer being "don't".) It very clearly says on the front of my art gallery that this is not a free-for-all, take what you want, art gallery.

Second, WHY, oh why, would I NOT want credit for the things I draw? o_O Wtf.

Lastly, "neomail me". Does someone see a problem with this? Unless your username is "hannah" I don't believe I know where to neomail you. (This is probably a good thing, because they would otherwise receive a rather unpleasant message from me.) It certainly won't stop me from trying though, because I hope this person was stupid enough to hotlink and I can track them down through that.

For some reason, this just bothers me a lot. People who think they can prance around, taking art and making layouts or god-knows-what out of it. And having the balls to say, "Oh, contact me -butcough,youcan't- if you want credit!" Raaaawr.
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