(no subject)

Dec 10, 2005 11:14

so the past week had kind of sucked...tuesday i watched nip/tuck with james and that was cool, but it was a depressing episode and poor james jumped a fence for some sort of project and rolled his ankle and it looked like there was a freakin' baseball on the side of his foot. so that sucked for him.

the next day i started getting really achy and my joints were really killing me. the next day i was really feeling off and that night i had really bad chills. friday i woke up, threw up after having a really bad chills and such, and was up until 6am. so i skipped my 9am, made it to my 11am (bc even though it snowed like a foot here, unh didn't cancel classes) and gave brian his birthday card. i wanted to go out last night, but i felt like shit (espeically after walking back from williamson to my apt, like a mile in the snow and unh sucks at shoveling sidewalks and such) so i stayed in, took a three hour nap, woke up, watched arrested development and ate dinner, and then went to bed at 11.

slept perfectly. but woke up at 8, and was really sick. for the whole morning,i can't even keep water down. but it's getting better.

this is just a really bad time to be sick bc finals are soon and this is kind of the last weekend here and then james leaves for six months, so i'd really like to be able to hang out and such without feeling like shit. so awesome timing.

anyway, he's coming over in a few to bring me water and orange juice and medicine and is also bringing old movies. so that's really sweet of them.
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