Mar 17, 2006 18:08
lets see. spring break. yeah, im in love with it. It's been so busy yet so relaxing. so satisfying.
i love the beach <3 i love my friends <3 i love lazy days <3 i love no hw <3 i love not having to pull out my phone and constantly check the time because i dont have a schedule <3 i love the sun
im counting every second. way more than i know i should. I had my day with april today. oh how i have missed her. she just gets me like nobody else does...this whole other deep level. we're so cliche and its so fun. sundresses and picnics and the art festival..seriously such a perfect day. weve decided that these are the days weve always heard about in song lyrics and dreamt about in our deepest sleep...and yet now that they are a reality, they are so much less romanticized. interesting.
my mean-ya girls night. wow. seriously going to remember that night until my dying days. i think they make me leaving the most real because i know how different things will be. And yet im excited for it. crying your eyes out with the girls youre close to does wonders for your emotions and perspective. they make me hold on to every moment. they make me not want to leave.
i love being 18. even if i dont feel like i am.
he hung up the phone...and with that click...i want to make it the final one. I am so tired of it. I am so tired of being broken. I want to walk away but know that i cant for more than one reason. I want to say so many things to him but know i never can, he'd never see it how i do. He wants to be free but he doesnt realize that there are some things that are better than love.
i want to write. if i could do anything...i would write my life away. i wish i was talented enough to do be good at make words my life's work. but i know i could never be that idealistic.
we move on with no regrets to our destiny...