(no subject)

May 02, 2005 16:54


Last night before dinner my brother and I were making a milkshake. It was freakin' awesome man. Well. He made the milkshake and I made the improvements. I added strawberry jelly, strawberry yogurt, hazelnut coffeemate, butter, and sugar. He just about had a spaz attack. It turned out good though 8) And everyone was like DAMN THIS MILKSHAKE IS GOOD and my brother and I were like O:)

Then afterwards we played this awesome hand game. Like you know when someone puts their hands behind their back and you poke them through and they talk and you have to make the hand motions for whatever they're saying? Ahahaha, that game is so hilarious, especially when my little brother put his hands through mine; it looked like I was a freaking midget. I almost died laughing.

And when I was upset on Saturday night, both my brothers were sitting on the couch and I just kind of like poured everything out to them and they were like OMG THAT SUCKS and made me feel all better and then we went downstairs to sleep on the pullout couch and tell stories. They kept elbowing me in the middle of the night though, my god. >:O

Haha I feel bad for both my brothers because I'm constantly calling myself fat. My insecurity really bugs me. And my little brother's like, ANA YOU'RE NOT FAT and my big brother's like, wtf are you talking about. It's also fun to talk about people in his grade and in my grade. He's like, yeah she's a slut! and I'm like NO WAY! and he's like WAY. it's really funny.

I think it's really awesome to have a family that you love. I think it's also really awesome to have brothers that you can talk to like friends and share your feelings with. They're there for you no matter what, because guess what, they have to. And they're the only people who have gone through everything with you-- your whole life. At least Nicolas is like that. It's so cool. I love him, as I love Gabriel. It's funny how Gabriel is so freaking mature, I swear he acts like he's older than me. He's older than me on the inside.

Okay this entry was annoying but I like it.

PS Alex Ruck is such a cool kid. He came over today and we were having an in-depth conversation and he told me what really happened with Travis Leder and him. I don't want ANYONE making fun of him anymore. He was sexually harassed by that son of a bitch and I thought I should tell all of you who know him on here so you don't believe bad rumors about him that you've heard. Travis Leder stuck his dick in Alex's mouth and forced him to give him a blow job. How sick is that?

Crap, I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. I certainly wouldn't be living as normally and happily as he is living now. It scares the crap out of me because it happened right in the Pond Road guys' bathroom.

The weird thing is that Alex was so calm when he told me, and he's like, "I don't let it bug me anymore. Now do you see why I can't go to Lawrence?" God I feel so bad for him. He's such a cool kid. It would suck if all of those rumors resurfaced again. Haha it's funny because he has like all these girlfriends now and he's constantly on his cellphone because that's totally not what he was like when we met him.

Funny how things change.
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