Jan 31, 2011 23:13
Just finished watching tonight's HT ep and decided to post a few thoughts while it's still fresh in my mind...
So after the previous two phenomenal episodes, namely "Imbroglio" and "Cool Hand Guerrero," I'm not surprised that I walked away from tonight's show feeling disappointed. Or perhaps indifferent. Of course, I knew the last two eps would be tough acts to follow. Not only was one ep committed almost entirely to Guerrero (hands-down the best character on HT), but every aspect of these previous two eps was spot-on in terms of character development, action sequences, and believability. Not so with tonight's episode, "Kill Bob."
Again, we see regression in quality here; silly plot, annoying side characters, and your typical going-through-the-motions feeling.
So here's the basic rundown: some computer guy's hot wife is trying to kill him, or is she? Wait, she's actually a Russian spy using him for intel for the last 3 years. Oh, wait again, she really does love him and only fakes killing him so they get to live happily ever after. Lame.
Overall, the believability factor of the show was fairly low. Come on, the lucky "1 centimeter from your heart" shots?
Oh, yeah, the music choices seemed forced, too, like, we're-trying-so-hard-to-be-hip. Should've stuck with Bear, guys.
One bonus point, however, for Guerrero channeling Rorschach in the break-in scene. Awesome.
I just wish HT had more consistency ep to ep. Let's face it, the show's been all over the map this season and unfortunately, I don't think there's going to be a season 3 to try to straighten things out. How the producers/creators managed to blow it, I don't know, but it's a shame. Especially with the caliber of actors like Mark Valley, Chi McBride, and especially, Jackie Earle Haley. I just hope these guys have some good projects coming up in the near future. They deserve a better gig than what HT gave them this season.
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