Jan 13, 2008 15:24
A new year began nearly two weeks ago, and my last public post was more than two months ago.
I seem not to have the energy/personality/drive/whatever-the-"right"-stuff-is for blogging or journaling. In well over half a year, I have written little, even when interesting and significant things happened in my life. Indeed, the more significant and remarkable my experiences and personal developments, the less likely I am to have written about them here. 2007 was a very eventful year for me, and I've said very little about why. The year contained many strong ups and downs, complex situations, remarkable events, and dramatic surprises. But I guess I'm just not that much inclined to write about my life while I'm actually living it. I seem to be have a bit more of a proclivity for posting reflections on my past; but, even then, the writing doesn't come naturally to me.
This leaves my journal rather empty-- an effect enhanced by how much I've been using filters and how many of my entries ended up, to my surprise, being purely private ones meant only for myself (something I never used to do before in any medium, but which has proved helpfully therapeutic from time to time, so I know I will continue that).
Sorry, folks. Feel free to unfriend me if I've grown boring. I'll also own up to-- and apologize for-- not commenting on other journals as much as I feel I should.
This semester will likely be even scantier for this journal of mine. I'm teaching three classes (one in two sections, so in a way it's four classes), two of which I've never taught before, one that I have taught before but that I want to change, and also I'm taking over the administration of a student peer-mentoring program. Between that stuff, wanting to get two research papers published within the first half of this year (dream, dream), and my many obligations to family, friends, and neighbours (never mind wanting to spend a good deal of personal time with those same people), I may not have much time for LJ.
I do peek at my LJ friends' journals, but not consistently. I only keep regularly current with a few. Others, I only catch up with now and then after longish lag times, or I just skim them. (I'm most likely to just gloss over things like listings of "daily twitters" and such.) Sometimes I even search around LJ looking for other interesting journals and communities, but that's usually a sign that I'm procrastinating on something else that I really should be doing instead.
A rare journal entry here sometimes might also be a sign of procrastination. Like right now, for instance! 8-( Tomorrow is the first day of classes, and I am not ready. I still have syllabi to create!