Feb 02, 2005 10:46
Quotes Responses
Knight- ‘There was a knight, a most distinguished man, who from the day on which he first began To ride abroad had followed chivalry. Truth, honor, generousness, and courtesy. (connection to other literature)In Romeo and Juliet, chivalry was a big part of their everyday life. Romeo won her heart with his chivalrous ways.
Squire- ‘A lover and cadet, a lad of fire, With locks as curly as if they’d been pressed, He was some twenty years of age, I guessed. (Connection to real life)The Squire reminds me of the young soldiers in Iraq today.
Nun-‘She used to weep if she saw a mouse Caught in a trap, if it were dead or bleeding (feeling) I have similar feelings to the nurse. I’d feel for the mouse if it were dead, too.
Monk- ‘Poring over books in cloisters’ (Unclear word) Cloisters- ‘A place that is devoted to religious seclution’
Friar- ‘Therefore instead of weeping and of prayer One should give silver for a poor Friar’s care. (Opinion) Even though the Friar was quite poor he seemed very content with his life.
Oxford Cleric- ‘Was there; his horse was thinner than a rake.’ (question) Why was his horse to thin? If he could feed himself why couldn’t he feed his horse?
Haberdasher..- ‘To be called “Madam” is a glorious thought, And so is going to church and being seen. (connection to real life)People today still go to church to make a good impression on their neighbors.