Aug 04, 2004 00:57
Weeeeeeeell, idk.
- Summer sucks when you have a license, but no car and you're stuck at home allllllllllll day long and can't doooooooo anything.
- I now dance 4 times a week.
- All my mom n I do is argue about the stupidest stuff.
+ He made us a cd :)
- I'm so busy I hate life.
- My shoulders won't stop peeling.
+ Me n Amanda Jean are finally happy.
+ Warped Tour in T minus 11 Days and counting.
- School starts in a lil over a month.
+ Studio starts soon.
- I need to hang out with more people.
- No one ever wants to hang out with me, n if they do, they don't call me so I don't know.
Alright I think you've heard enogh of my whining. I needed that even though I don't feel a whole heck of a lot better. Oh well.