(no subject)

May 08, 2007 21:59


2 nights ago was Lag Ba Omer. Bonfire night. And... Me and 7 other girls went out to a bonfire with this group of guys that they know. And... I had my first drunk experience. Yes indeed.

I drank half a beer, 2 cups of vodka with red bull and some passionfruit liquir drink. By the time I got to the passionfruit I was already wasted so I dont know what it was. DUUUUUDE.

Holy crap. I have never felt like that before. I was talking such shit. Like, from what I remember. LOL. I have a cut on my head and I dont know how I got it. For some time I went on about amit I think. And me and my friends were going on about sex and stuff or something- talking crap, you know? And I was like, I LOOOOVE YOU;flkjr;altkj;slfkma'rtg. I remember stumbling around. I know I smoked nargilla. I remember throwing up, and then someone putting me on a chair to sleep. I remember falling down abit. Maybe alot...

Then I remember it was 5:30 and we started walking home and I took the bus and got home around 6:30 and fell into bed. So yesterday... OOOMMMGGGG. I thought I was going to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie. I swear, the room was spinning. I thought I was going to puke my brains out- I didnt though. And my clothes stank of lemon nargilla which made me feel even sicker... Ohhh dude just thinking about it makes me feel sick.  SEEE I told you I would tell you when I did nargilla.

But hell, It was FUUN. SO MUCH FUN. I just LOST IT. I remeber laughing alot too. And I am so lucky I had my friends with me. They took care of me, made sure i was okay. And thank g-d they were decent guys, cuz I know there was a point where I was so dead something could have happened. Thats really scary actually. Its so wierd that I dont remember anything too. But I know I was careful and Im not an idiot so I would never drink alone or anything. So yes. i have had a first.

WOOOW. It was awesome.

Ummm, what else? Amit doesnt like me. My friend talked to him without saying my name, and he says he doesnt want a girlfriend. SO F%^%@$ him. No, not really. It hurts.

Apparantly he was also drunk.


I got 100% in a maths test.

I am hell scared for next year.

What about you guys? I miss my F-list.
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