I'm leaving on a jet place / / Dont know when I'll be back again

Oct 12, 2006 21:32

Hi my awesome F-list. Just wanted to let you know I got to Israel safely. You will now see in my user info that it no longer says Location- Australia. Go look. The flight was hell, but its over now so good. 27 frikkin hours. Jeez I am never doing that again. So far I have mostly slept. My family is all awesome and my baby cousin is the cutest thing in the world. We finally bought a new digital camera so I will post pictures. Sorry I havent really been commenting- I hardly get the chance to come on the computer, but once I get settled I will be spamming you guys again! 
I have cried a bit, well a lot. I am no good with change and I miss my sister alot. But I am good most of the time :)
On Monday I go check out the different schools so wish me luck! 
Love all you guys.
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