I hope you had the time of your life

Aug 28, 2006 19:18

HELLO! I am back from camp! And I officially had one of the greatest times of my life. It was just so unbelievably amazing, I can hardly describe it. This was Jewish Studies camp, which you only get to go to in year 9, 10 and 11, so this was our first time, and it just blew us all away.

We had the most amazing leaders, half of them from Israel so they were so inspirational and awesome. After lunch and dinner we had a session called Ruach, which means spirit, which is where we would all stand on chairs in a circle and just sing and dance and go wild. Unbelievable. We had discussion sessions and creative arts. The food was really good, which is surprising for camp. I adored my cabin. And the main thing is, I just did not hold back. And I had an amazing time.
We had something called army night, where the leaders dressed in their army gear with black stuff on their faces and we were new to the army. We had to crawl through sand, carry the "wounded", and our enenemy was, of course, the boys! It was just so much fun, but really tiring.

Then came Friday, or the Sabbath. Lol. It was amazing, because we all kept it and the spirit was just so high, and there were plays and dancing and stuff. And Saturday was where everything just let loose.

See, when Shabbat ends we have Havdallah. And one honour on JS camp is to hold the Havdallah candle and stand in the middle of the circle on a chair- and I got to do it. Everyone was crying, and then they turned out the light and we all sang the prayer and it was just so beautiful so I started crying. There was hugging and stuff, but I just couldn't stop. Then I kind of had a spur of the moment decision. I pulled Rachelle aside- now, incase you don't know, Rachelle used to be my best friend before I went to Israel, and then when I came back she had totally moved on from me and my other friend- we had been a three- and we are not friends anymore. So I pulled her aside, and we are both crying and I tell her that I miss her, and it is just like a huge weight off my shoulder. She tells me she is so happy I did that because she hadn't been brave enough to and that she missed me too. And it was just so amazing.

Then we saw videos of the leaders lives in Israel, and one of them told us that just before they had left they had been called to the army to fight as a reserve. And they had to decide whether to come and fulfill what they promised in Australia, or stay and fight. And it was so hard, because all their friends and stuff were fighting. But they came to us. It was just so moving. And then they showed us a video of Israel and I, ofcourse, started crying again. Then there was dinner, and our final Ruach session which was HUGE. Finally there was dessert and kareoke! We only got to bed at about 2 in the morning. Amazing.

Finally we left, and it was so sad. I MISS IT LIKE CRAZY!

Anywho, now I am sick so I stayed home from school. But I just had the most awesome and amazing time. And when I got back, my dad was feeling better, which really made me happy. 
And now for some pictures, and there will hopefully be more when other people put more up, because I was too stupid to bring a camera.

My Madrichim - Leaders. I love them ♥

Some girl leaders on Shabbat all dressed pretty. Muck up photo.

Some pretty girlies. You can see half of me on the right, in the black with the hat. lol.

Army night! Look how wierd we look!

The leaders were heaps scary with all the black!

Some guys after army night being patriotic. Awww.

More leaders after army night. Lol!

Beth in the pink and Ashlee in the aussie colours, two awesome friends. ♥

Some friends getting musical- Alice, Tom in the middle (Yes I know), and Dean on the guitar.

Love you guys, and missed you! xoxo
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