When you love someone but it goes to waste...

Aug 05, 2006 21:26

Not in the greatest mood. not in a good mood at all actually.

Tom is dating Ashley. I know, I know. I am a total loser. there are wars and suffering in the world and all i can think about are my stupid insignificant teen problems. well, i care about all the other stuff to. in fact, im driving myself insane worrying about it all.

but i cant help it. I KNEW he liked her, and that she liked him, and they would get together. yet, because i am a stupid idiot, i wouldnt let it go. so now I'm paying the price. i got home the other night and cried my eyes out, and now whenever i listen to "Fix You" by Coldplay i cry.


gah. cant even write anymore. hopefully tomorrow will be better. here are mems, because i need SOMETHING else to do.


Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle.
Say the following questions aloud, and press play.
Use the song titles that come up to answer each question.
stolen from

How does the world see me?
Song: Still crazy after all these years
Artist: Paul Simon
Comment: i think that speaks for itself :)

Will I have a happy life?
Song: tourniquet
Artist: evanescence
Comment: "i tried to kill the painbut only brought more"... guess not? :S

What do people really think of me?
Song: crazy in love 
Artist: eminem
Comment: heh. not everyone, obviously.

Do people secretly lust after me?
Song:i'll be there for you
Artist: remembrants
Comment: hehe. guess not.

How can I make myself happy?
Song: the end of the world
Artist: the cure
Comment: well, thats one way.

What should I do with my life?
Song: push
Artist: matchbox 20
Comment: wanna push you around, so i will, yes i will ... um, okay?

Will I ever have children?
Artist: jay Z feat. Linkin Park
Comment: tired of being what you want me to be, feeling so helpless lost under the surface- um, okay?

What is some good advice for me?
Song: down to buisness
Artist: eminem
Comment: Lets get down to buisness! i aint got no time to play around, what is dis? yea, maybe i should.

What do I think my current theme song is?
Song: under the milky way tonight
Artist: The Church
Comment: yea. that might be right.

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Song: cry opheilia
Comment: trying to draw the line between who you are and who you invent... say you wanna learn how to live your life without tears? we have been trying to do that for thousands of years... guh. hope not.

What song will play at my funeral?
Song: Teardrop
Artist: massive attack
Comment: hee! thats a good one!

What type of men/women do you like?
Song: brick
Artist: ben folds five
Comment: She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly
Off the coast and I'm headed nowhere
She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly
well, if someone was willing to stay with me even though im a brick, i would be pretty happy.

What is my day going to be like?
Song: story of a girl
Artist: third eye blind
Comment: woke up with hope, but only found tears - oh great.

Why am I here?
Song: ava adora
Artist: smashing pumpkins
Comment: Lovely girl you're the beauty in my world
Without you there aren't reasons left to find

What will people remember me for?
Song: perfect girl 
Artist: sarah mclachlan
Comment: But don't forgo know that you're loved no matter what
And everything will come around in time
heh, mkay.

What song will be stuck in my head tomorrow?
Song: broken
Artist: sether, ft. amy lee
Comment: no problem with that.

Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Song: you're beautiful
Artist: james blunt
Comment: you're beautiful... dont think so.

What will this year be all about?
Song: biscuit
Artist: portishead
Comment: Stranger things will come your way
Its just I'm scared
Got hurt along time ago
I can't make myself heard no matter how hard I scream
oh goody. lol.
01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

these are my questions from
1. What's your favourite book?
2. Your happiest childhood memory?
3. If you could meet ANY ONE person who would it be?
4. What do you want to do most in life?
5. What is your most favurite food?

1. My favourite book? ... that has got to be the hardest question ever! i have about a million but i will tell you my current favourite. The Book Thief. By Marcus Zuzak. it is the most amazing story ever, and is written so beautifully every page is like poetry. AMAZING.

2. *sigh* thats also hard... I think it might have to be in Israel, when had a family BBQ, and we were playing with the go-cart thingies and eating. it was so simple, but i just remember being so incredibly happy.

3. Im assuming this is alive or dead? i think it might have to be my Mother. just to say. just to see what she was like.

4. I think i most want to have children. i know that sounds pointless and house-wifeish, but it is. i want to be able to see my own flesh and blood grow up, and be happy, and have good lives. having kids is also the only thought that makes me happy and absolutely petrified at the same time.

5. these must be the hardest questions ever! i looove food, but my favourite? i think it is shwarma. for those of you who dont know what it is- think Ali Baba, but a MILLION times better. you get it in Israel and is so brilliant, with hummus and tahini and stuff in it. yum.
or maybe my grandpa's spaghetti. or my granny's lasagne. or... i could go on forever :)
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