Exams. Tomorrow. Nonononononononononono. No.
Tomorrow: science, foodtech, history
Wednesday: geography, english, hebrew
Thursday: PDHPE, Jewish studies
Friday: maths (*dies*)
I was studying like, all weekend, so today, i went to the shops and bought a nice black jacket. thankyou Queen, for having a holiday for your birthday- no school is so great. i had a 4 day weekend, because there were exams on Friday, but none of them were mine.
Mem time...
Tagged by
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with six random facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I am really interested in supernatural stuff. i mean, im not a which, or wiccan or anything, i just find it all really fanscinating- all those things you read about and see on TV- like levitation, communication with the dead, stuff like that, the things you see on shows like mysterious ways (hehe
2. I believe, that in some areas, the world has become to "politically correct". i think there are way to many problems in the world that could be fixed. i really sometimes hate caring, because it really makes things harder. i think homelessness is one of the biggest problems- i mean, it just sickens me that in this country, in the city there are so many homeless people everywhere you look, and just one or two suburbs away there are people with so much money, the dont know what to do with it all. when i grow up, i really want to become a volunteer at a soup kitchen, or somewhere to help the homeless.
3. I really love astronomy. which is very strange, because i hate hate hate science. i just love the sky, and planets and stars and stuff. and i love the theory that the universe is continuously expanding... i find it so beautiful. i really love philosophy, and all theories on the brain, and the world. theories on the unknown- i find the thought that there is still so much that we dont know very humbling.
4. I love cartoons. I love all the disney movies, and the Simpsons and South Park. i think they are all so great, and dont like how some people think that if you watch cartoons your "babyish".
5. I have a thing for America. like, i really really really want to go there. it just fanscinates me how it is, like, the centre of the world. like, they get EVERYTHING. i really want to live there, for maybe a year when i finish school. work there and stuff- preferably New York.
6. I really want to go live in Israel. like, LIVE there. officially. its my Dad's home, and i've been there 4 times. i have heaps of family there, including a little baby cousin who i love to bits. hopefully, i may be going to live there soon.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
ohhhh i cant think of anything but exams right now.