
May 25, 2014 21:19

So I’ve been feeling like absolute crap and I am in no mood to make icons at the moment, so here’s a bunch I prepared earlier, lol.

[10] Sleepy Hollow, [11] Se7en, [4] OUAT, [5] The Usual Suspects, [4] Vikings, [4] Alias, [5] Disney/Pixar, [2] Charmed, [2] Sucker Punch, [2] Calamity Jane, [1] Hello, Dolly, [1] Cabaret, [1] Covert Affairs, [2] ( Read more... )

tv: the americans, movie: misc. movies, tv: supernatural, tv: covert affairs, tv: sleepy hollow, movie: moulin rouge, tv: once upon a time, ★ icons, tv: friends, movie: seven, tv: charmed, tv:vikings, ♢ 2014, tv: alias, movie: sucker punch, disney, movie: the usual suspects

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Comments 15

hyndara71 May 25 2014, 12:02:03 UTC
Stunning icons again! Love them. My the Se7en ones make me rewatch the movie at a time (haven't watched it in felt years!). The first time I see icons for "The usual suspects", which make me also rewatching that movie again - did I ever mention that I'm a fan ot Kevin Spacey? If not, I am and I adore him in "House of Cards" (biggest asshole ever but oh so funny to watch!). Awe, Sucker Punch! And Vikings! And Covert Affairs! And Moulin Rouge!
My, hard to pick a favourite this time as there are soo many great icons and you hit straight into some of my all-time favourites. But the most I feel drawn to No. 17. Love the crop!


starry_night May 26 2014, 10:28:28 UTC
Thank you hon! I'm happy you like them :)

I know how you feel - I had a sudden desire to rewatch Se7en when I was making those...and then remembered why I only watch it every so often. Damn Kevin Spacey and his creepy ass villain!

And also, how can you not be a fan of Kevin Spacey - he's crazy talented :D


hyndara71 May 26 2014, 10:34:35 UTC
He definitely is! Did you know that he was over here in Germany on stage before he got the House of Cards-show? I soooo wished I could have seen him but it was too far away and would have been too expensive :(


starry_night May 26 2014, 11:24:59 UTC
Aw man that would have been amazing! Sucks you couldn't go see him :(


tardis_mafia May 25 2014, 22:44:12 UTC
Aww, I'm sorry you're feeling like crap. *hugs* You have some great icons here, though!

I love 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 18, 23, 24, 32/33, 43, 44, and 57.


starry_night May 26 2014, 10:30:46 UTC
Thanks hon. I have a feeling it's going to be one of those winters where I catch everything :(

And thank you, glad you like them :)


tardis_mafia May 26 2014, 19:32:47 UTC
It's Spring heading into Summer here so it's hotter than it needs to be during this time of year... I hope you don't catch anything though!


starry_night May 26 2014, 22:40:39 UTC
Aw, summer...I miss summer :(

And thanks, me too.


iconsoleander May 31 2014, 22:38:47 UTC
I can understand not being in the mood to make icons....but, either way....you do gorgeous work. :)
I love 2,3,5 and 6 from Sleepy Hollow. 13,16 18 from Se7en.
22 and 23 from OUaT. 29 from The Usual Suspects. 33 from Vikings. I also love #41, #43, #44, #54, #55 and #58.
great work here!! ;) :)


starry_night June 1 2014, 07:55:01 UTC
Thank you hon! :)


sanya4 June 4 2014, 10:28:54 UTC
Amazing post! Love the icons from Se7en. Icon #40 is really pretty, too. :)


starry_night June 4 2014, 11:15:26 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


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