
Nov 02, 2013 19:01

And another icon dump. Some of these are quite old and most are from various icontests :)

[1-5] Charisma Carpenter
[6-9] Grey's Anatomy
[10-26] Pretty Little Liars
[27-35] Veronica Mars
[36-43] The Wizard of Oz
[44-70] Miscellaneous Films and TV Shows (Leverage X3, Charmed x2, The Great Gatsby x2, Harry Potter x2, Monsters University x2, Sex and the City x2, Watchmen x2, X-Men x2, Castle x1, Doctor Who x1, Double Indemnity x1, Fight Club x1, Fringe x1, Merlin x1, Sin City x1, Spartacus x1, Supernatural x1, Vikings x1)

still my guitar gently weeps.'>















movie: misc. movies, tv: spartacus, tv: supernatural, tv: miscellaneous, movie: fight club, movie: the great gatsby, tv: doctor who, tv: castle, movie: monsters university, movie: the wizard of oz, tv: leverage, ★ icons, movie: watchmen, tv: fringe, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: charmed, ♢ 2013, tv: pretty little liars, movie: x-men, tv: veronica mars, actress: charisma carpenter, movie: harry potter

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