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Comments 15

hyndara71 May 12 2013, 12:38:35 UTC
Wow Daniel Radcliffe is a growing man now! I had a hard time to really recognize him ... no offense, it's definetely not your fault. The icons are gorgeous! The last ACs are my favourites (I think). But all your icons are great ... reminds me, I've to work on some my own *feels a little uninspired right now*


starry_night May 13 2013, 11:54:51 UTC
Lol, oh I know exactly what you mean. I still picture him as that adorable little kid in the first HP movie :P

And thank you! I'm always happy when you like my icons :)


bangel_4e May 12 2013, 13:47:13 UTC
I'm completely in awe at the Daniel icons, especially the ART SET! HOLY MOLY! Those are spectacular, you really did an amazing job. And I also truly adore darkness, sky, unusual crop, pattern (my 2nd favorite), white decoration (1st favorite), far away, cat 4-5 (4th being my 3rd favorite) and ac 1-3.

I also looked at all the other pretties here, you have a talent..I really love your icons (and all the extras of Daniel are pretty awesome!)


starry_night May 13 2013, 11:57:19 UTC
Aw, thank you so much hon! Very glad you like them, and I'm thrilled you like the art set because I actually had no idea what to do until I started experimenting. But I'm quite pleased with them (and a little disturbed with the first one, lol).


bangel_4e May 13 2013, 11:59:15 UTC
Ahahaha...it is a bit peculiar but it's funny so it's a great icon! And you're welcome!


iconsoleander May 12 2013, 20:37:35 UTC
these are all so gorgeous!

For Bones20in20: I love far away, hair, object, cat 2, cat 5, ac 3 and ac 4. :)

For HBIC: I love costume, dark haired, love, warrior, cat 3, ac 2 and ac 3. :)

I really love the guys20in20 set too, I heart Daniel Radcliffe. ;) My favorites are darkness, pattern and red carpet.

Such lovely icons. Every one.



starry_night May 13 2013, 12:00:38 UTC
Thank you so much hon. I'm very happy you like them :)

Oh and I heart Daniel Radcliffe, too. He's just so completely adorable and fun!


cleaninggirl May 12 2013, 23:03:00 UTC
Love your Far Away & Object icons for Bones20in20 as well as all your AC ones very pretty <3


starry_night May 13 2013, 11:52:28 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


crucified May 13 2013, 04:49:02 UTC
I love giant text, hair, trust, and wild from the first set and unusual crop, pattern, and cat#3 from the second, and I love warrior and the AC set from the last one. Wonderful icons!


starry_night May 13 2013, 11:52:53 UTC
Thank you so much. So glad you like them :)


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