
Jan 28, 2013 12:59

New Year, New Layout, New(ish) Icons - I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday period and welcome to 2013! I decided it was time for a change so it's farewell old layout, hello pretty new one :D

Also, here's a bunch of various fandom icons I made late last year but forgot to post...

[1-5] Alias
[6-15] Covert Affairs
[16-34] Grimm
[35-40] Pretty Little Liars
[41-42] Sex and the City
[43-45] Empire Records










~ Take what you like but please credit if used :)
~ No hotlinking!
~ Comments are appreciated :)

★ icons, tv: grimm, tv: covert affairs, ♢ 2013, tv: pretty little liars, tv: sex and the city, tv: alias, movie: empire records

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