Has it ever happened to you that you played a game just for the sake of its music? Now I found a game where you don't even have to play in order to be able to hear those relaxing tunes. There's a game on my tray, Fishball (
http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g3/fish.htm ) by Ferry Hallim, that luckily doesn't need any action from me to run. True, my score is 0, but my mood is up at 50 from -15 yesterday. And I'm not feeling sick either! Oh, just realized that last night I told Becky I was depressed. She hates the expression. :-P But it was used with reason, I have a depressive tendency, with all the symptoms of the sickness, just kept within boundaries. I don't let myself reach a certain point. I guess it's mostly so with everyone, but yesterday was a bit of a weak day. It was a weekday, so no wonder.
Now I'm happy because it finally sank in that I passed another exam with a good grade, and there's just one left. It's snowing beautifully, and I'm eating a nice sour lemon. I have been very effective today, done a lot of washing up, mom-nursing, a bit of Attic-work, and now I'm going to have a yummy lunch. Then, on to studying. Maybe an angel pome to come later. :o) Hope you're all well and healthy! Everyone is sick nowadays! Tke care!