003; "My Lady, My Champion", Arthur&Morgana picspam - 14 reasons why they're epic, PART 2

Jun 23, 2010 16:07

And the second part of the picspam made specially for the challenge at merlin_land :D.
I hope you're gonna enjoy it :D.
Also, I forgot to add that in the first part but I wrote all the quotes from hearing so some of them may be slightly different from what they say (I'm not native English speaker so I can't always distinguish all the sounds perfectly).

Please, also remember that everyone has favourite characters and pairings and I respect others' choices so do the same. Interesting discussion is always nice but if you're here to bash my preferences, just don't comment.

My Lady, My Champion

Arthur & Morgana picspam - 14 reasons why they're epic, PART 2

8. She dreams about him, often.

Morgana: Arthur...

Isn't that the coincidence that almost each time we see Morgana dreaming (okay, having a nightmare - but still it's a dream, only it's bad), she dreams about Arthur? Or maybe she dreams about him because she thinks about him a lot (that's what I'm telling myself, lol).

9. He's oh-so-incredibly jealous of her.

Valiant: My Lady.
Morgana: I saw you competing today.
Valiant: I saw you watching. I understand the trounament champion has the honour of escorting my lady to the feast?
Morgana: That's correct.
Valiant: Then I will give everything to win the tournament. My Lady.

Morgana: They all seem rather impressed by knight Valiant.
Arthur: They're not the only ones.
Morgana: You're not jealous, are you?
Arthur: I don't see there's anything to be jealous of.

I love how jealous Arthur looks when Valiant talks to Morgana :D. I can so see in his expression that he almost squirms inside and wantd to come there and do something to Valiant, though of course he will never admit it =D.

10. Oh, but look! She's jealous too!

Sophia: Sorry! Lady Morgana, isnt it? I'm Sophia.
Morgana: What are you doing here?
Sophia: My father and I are guests of the king.
Morgana: You're lying. I know what you're going to do to him and I won't let it happen.
Sophia: Does Arthur know you feel this way about him? Of course he does. I suspect he's already turned you down.
Morgana: Don't think you can make a fool out of me.
Sophia: I don't have to. You're managing to do that well enough already.
Morgana: Stay away from him!
Sophia: Or what? Jealousy is such an unattractive trait in a women.
Morgana: If anything happens to Arthur... I'll find you. However long it takes.

Oh, yeah. Even Sophia can see the real feeling Morgana has for Arthur ^^. Obviously, she had a nightmare and wants to protect him but also, imo, can't stand the thought of Arthur admiring her ;D.

Morgana: You seem very fond of her.
Arthur: You made that sound like a bad thing.
Morgana: Not necessarily, I've just never seen you fall under woman's spell so quickly.
Arthur: If you're jealous Morgana, it's okay to admit it.
Morgana: Don't flatter yourself!
Arthur: Come on, wouldn't be the first time, now, would it?
Morgana: Arthur, I'm trying to protect you! She isn't what she seems.
Arthur: Why? What makes you say that?
Morgana: I just have a feeling. It's difficult to describe. I had a dream... a nightmare.
Arthur: You really are very sweet, Morgana.
Morgana: Why are you laughing?
Arthur: You. Your feelings, bad dreams. You don't have to make this stuff up. you can tell me the truth. It's obvious you like me.
Morgana: Less and less by the second.
Arthur: All right. Whatever you say.
Morgana: You're intolerable. I just hope I'm wrong about her.

I love how cheeky and self-confident is Arthur in this scene :D. And he doesn't even make fun of her but says it all a bit seriously. Guess he wouldn't mind if she admitted he's right ^^. I love the part when he says that it wouldn't be the first time *squees*.

11. He's the one who insists on doing anything to save her.

Gaius: I cannot preserve her life for much longer. She's hours, maybe less.
Arthur: We cannot let her die.
Uther: Arthur, please.
Arthur: There's a man. He came to the castle yesterday. He claims he can cure her.
Uther: That's ridiculous. He doesn't know what's wrong with her.
Arthur: He says he has a remedy to cure all ills.
Gaius: Impossible.
Arthur: But for Morgana's sake surely, we should at least hear him out. I mean... what have we got to lose? Please, father.
Gaius: Probably some charlatan hoping for a quick shilling.
Arthur: I don't care. If she's about to die, what harm can it do? Give him his shilling. If there's one chance in a million he can save her, than why not?
Uther: Send for him.

Epic. I simply love the fact that he is sodetermined to save her life - far more than Uther or Gaius! And that he will try everything to keep her alive. That's how much he cares for her <3.

12. She has him wrapped around her little finger and he can never deny her anything.

Arthur: You all right? Sorry about all this. Merlin's not been in today.
Morgana: Poor Merlin.
Arthur: Yeah.
Morgana: To offer to give up his life to save Gwen's... I certainy can't imagine any man loving me so much.
Arthur: No, I certainly can't imagine that either.
Morgana: It's because you're not like Merlin. He's a lover.
Arthur: Yeah, maybe that's because I haven't found the right person to love.
Morgana: Sadly, the age of gallantry seems to be dead. You look around and all you see are small men, not big enough to fill their armour. There's not one of them able to stand up for what is right.
Arthur: What do you want me to do?

Oh, I adore the fact that he cannot deny her anything and whatever she asks him to do, he will always agree :D. Of course I know that she knows very well which strings she should pull but still, it's so visible that he can't and doesn't want to refuse her.

Arthur: Make yourself at home.
Morgana: You can't let your father execute the boy.
Arthur: You're lucky he's not executing you! Are you telling me he really was behind the screen when I came to search your chambers?
Morgana: [nods] I know you believe your father's wring to execute him.
Arthur: What I believe doesn't matter. My father's made up his mind, he won't be talked out of it. I tried.
Morgana: Then the time for talking is over.
Arthur: Whatever you're thinking is not going to happen.
Morgana: We have to get the boy back to his people.
Arthur: No, forget it!
Morgana: I can't believe you'd let an innocent child die.
Arthur: It's too late. He's been caught. I have no choice.
Morgana: And this is how you will rule when you're a king? You're not like your father.
Arthur: I will not betray him.
Morgana: If I know you at all, you won't stand by and let this happen. Please. If you won't do this for the boy... than do it for me.

And again, he simply cannot resist her :D. I love the last line - Morgana asks him to do it for her and that's just it, he loses it and can't refuse. I love how it's visible on his face ♥.
Oh, and see that second pic in the third row? I'm actually VERY content that I finally caught this frame because I catch him on such stares VERY often. I guess it's pretty straight where he looks, lol (ZOMG, you can kill me but everytime I see it I literally swim in my fangirl sauce, lol :D)

13. They look so good together!

Uther: My honourable guests, I give you prince Arthur. Your champion.
Arthur: My lady.
Morgana: My champion.

Morgana: Has your father apologised for not believing you?
Arthur: He'll never apologise. I hope you're not disappointed Valiant'r not escorting you.
Morgana: Turns out he wasn't really champion material.

This may be a bit shallow, but you have to admit that together they look just gorgeous and stunning! They're perfect for the king and queen =). And it's another epic moment - the famous 'My lady, my champion' line and them walking together, shoulder to shoulder. Fabulous. And look how content is Uther with what he sees - even he approves this image ^^.

14. Their little bickering, banters and all that undeniable chemistry just vibrate from the screen.

Arthur: That was some tournament final.
Morgana: Tell me about it. It's not everyday a girl gest to save her prince.
Arthur: Um, I wouldn't say I needed exactly saving. I'm sure I would've thought of something.
Morgana: See, you're too proud to admit you were saved by a girl.
Arthur: Because I wasn't
Morgana: You know what? I wish Valiant was escorting me.
Arthur: Me too. Than I wouldn't have to listen to you.
Morgana: Fine!
Arthur: Fine!

Oh Arthur, too proud to admit that you needed somebody's help. I love them acting like that - it spices up their relations. Oh, and Morgana saying 'her Prince' *_*

Arthur: You should stay here.
Morgana: I'm coming with you.
Arthur: No!
Morgana: Scared I'll show you up?
Arthur: Father will slam us both in chains if he knew I'd endangered you.
Morgana: Good that he doesn't know about it then.
Arthur: I'm telling you Morgana, turn back. You could get hurt.
Morgana: So could you... if you don't get out of my way.

Lovely scene - I love how brave she is and always has it all her own way ^^ Plus this little threat made me squee uncontrollably :D.

Morgana: Arthur. To what do I owe this pleasure?
Arthur: Don't get all excited, it's not a social call. I'm looking for the druid boy. I'm afraid I have to search your chambers.
Morgana: You're not searching my chambers.
Arthur: Don't take it personally, I have to search the entire castle. It'll only take a few minutes.
Morgana: I'm not having you mess up my things.
Arthur: I'm not interested in your things, I'm just looking for any evidence that the druid boy is in the castle.
Morgana: Perhaps the druid boy is hiding in your chambers? They're usually such a mess you'd never know.
Arthur: It's hardly my fault I have such a lazy idiot for a servant.
Morgana: If you can't even find your own servant, what hope do you have in finding the boy?
Arthur: Really, I'm touched by the confidence you have in my abilities. And as much as I'd love to stay and talk, the sooner we get started, the sooner we finish.
Morgana: Well, I'll save you the trouble.
Arthur: Trust me, if I could find him, I would.
Morgana: The druid boys is hiding behind the screen. I'm sure your father would love to know how you wasted your time by rifling through my things. Go on.
Arthur: So you can have a satisfaction of making me look a fool?
Morgana: In my experience you don't need any help looking like a fool. What are you waiting for? Take a look.
Arthur: Why don't you just go back to brushing your hair, or whatever did you do all day.
Morgana: Bye, Arthur. Good luck with the search!

Although Arthur may look kind of stupid here as he was easily deceived but it's funny and so typically ArMor scene that I adore it =D. Plus Arthur saying that he'd rather stay and talk and that line about social call really makes me think that he had visited her before :D.

~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~

Episodes in order of appearance: 1x02, 1x07, 1x13, 1x02, 1x07, 1x06, 1x06, 1x03, 1x08, 1x02, 1x02, 1x03, 1x08.

The first part of this picspam can be found HERE.

Please, don't repost those pictures anywhere - it took my a lot of time to make screens and color them so please, respect my work! If any of you is interested I may post the screencaps I used, just let me know.
Also, don't use those pictures for making graphics! I made them purely and only for this picspam. You can ask me though to make some icons for you and I will be happy to do so.

I hope you enjoyed this picspam as much as I do :D. And of course all comments are welcomed :).

If you like what you see, feel free to watch the community for new entries :).

Spoilers for season 1.

land: merlinland, pairing: arthur/morgana, actor: bradley james, character: arthur pendragon, !picspam, tv show: merlin, actress: katie mcgrath, character: morgana le fay

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