Jan 18, 2007 08:19
So I'm probably going to keep this updated often, more for my own sanity than for the reading enjoyment of others. No one seems to comment anymore anyway.
So spring semester officially started this week and I'm feeling exhausted. This is going to be one challenging semester. Physically - soo many classes and meetings to be at one after another, Mentally - a full load of 17 credits (6 classes not to mention the extra hours of fieldwork), and Socially - my social life will probably vanish if I'm going to be able to handle everything this semester. It's not looking good. When faced with difficult situations I often find the easiest escape route and take it. I've decided to stick with the tough classes I have this semester and hopefully I'll learn something from them and be able to become a stronger, smarter person. Hopefully.
On a different note, maybe I worry too much and maybe it's because I care about this person too much, but how do you help someone out who seems so sad all of a sudden? I'm usually the one who is sad in this relationship and this person ALWAYS helps me out, but I just don't know what to do to help them out now... :(
Not much else to say, so I'll end this here. If you're reading this, leave comments so that I know people are reading this.