Sep 23, 2007 14:15
I haven't updated for a long long time. I bet loads of stuff have happened and now I won't remember anything!
I'm back in college properly now. 3 days a week and still full time lol, I love that. I'm in 9 till 4 on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I have design all day on a Monday, history and contextual studies on a Wednesday morning, key skills in the afternoon then on a Friday I have pattern cutting in the morning and construction in the afternoon. I'm really enjoying it so far. The days go really quick cos I like what I'm doing I think. everyone in the class is lovely and the tutors are really nice too. The facilities are great which helps. the industrial sewing machines are scaryyyyyy...They go dead fast lol. I haven't really made any friends as such just yet, but I've been speaking to a few people who I get on quite well with. It;s mad because when they say it's time for a break, I don't like it cos I'd rather stay in the class. I don't know if that's cos don't know anyone well enough yet to talk to outside of class, or cos I'm enjoying it so much. It's costing a lot though. £50 for materials, I've spent £20 on pencils and pens and pads and sketchbooks, they want £13 for a grader for pattern cutting and there's 4 books I need, and one of them is £82 on Amazon..... I'm not paying £82 for a book.
I went to the job fair for Christmas Jobs last week. I applied for Boots, River Island, WH Smith, Argos, M&S and Dorothy Perkins. As soon as I got home I got a phone call from River Island so I have an interview for there next week. I want the job in Boots, it sounds the most flexible around college. Dorothy Perkins were made up with the fact that I do sign language and that I do fashion and clothing in college so it would be good to hear from them. And M&S sounds good cos they give you gloves and it's £5.65 an hour.
Ooooh, very good news!! I have a car :D My anty is moving to Australia so needs to get rid and is giving it to us for £500. It's in mint condition and only has a 1.1 engine so insurance will be quite cheap. Between me and my sister, it would be £20 a week, which isn't bad at all. That's not even all of my ema and if I can get a job that wouldn't put me out of pocket too much. Since my dad has bought us the car, we have to pay the insurance ourselves so I need to get myself a job.
I've had 19 driving lessons now, but I feel like it's getting harder instead of easier. I still enjoy it, but I'm getting a bit frustrated! I feel better now my theory is out the way.
I love the new Primark, I really do. apparently, it's the biggest in Britain. It has 5 floors and I can spent hours in there as well as every penny I have.
I can't wait till Manchester fashion week. Steph has a deal where you get the tickets cheap so we're definitly gonna try and go. We need to have a look for a hotel before then though!
Amy's 18th was already a week ago.... The day's are going so fast lately! Amy's party really was amazing though, I had such a good time. I love parties. Paul's isn't too far away now and Stacey's is the week before. I need some cash for things to wear. :'( I've seen the bag I want for Paul's party and I'm going to get my dress and shoes based on that amazing bag!!
I rememered quite a lot there...... That took me ages haha.
I hope everyone is doing well