Title: Missing You
arizaki_shisaku Pairing: Sohma Yuki x Sohma Kyo
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Theme: #2 - News; Letter
Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket.
written for
30_kisses 30_kisses Prompt 2 - Letter
September 25, 2007
Dear Kyo,
The weather here is turning blustery and chilly, since fall is already on our backs. However, the leaves have started to turn magnificent colors, and the Paris streets look even more beautiful with them.
I write this to you from my dorm room in La Sorbonne (also referred to as Paris University, you know). I wish that you could come to Paris and experience the rich culture and old traditions that exist here. My French classmates have been really accepting of me and I learn new things every day, not only in my studies but also about daily life in France. My French is sadly not as up to par as I thought it would be, but nevertheless my French friends understand me and help correct any blunders I make with this language that garbles up my tongue. It’s so confusing, learning French! The words don’t seem to connect and flow as smoothly as the hiragana, kanji, and katakana of Japanese seems to all effortlessly merge together when one speaks.
You might think that of all of the tumult and chaos of moving to a whole other country to pursue my studies, I would forget all about Japan, but as I sit here and absentmindedly eat my dinner consisting of a rich vegetable soup and half of a baguette (a long, rather dry kind of bread that the French absolutely adore), I think of Honda-san’s delicious cooking that we enjoyed every night and your special knack for making onigri. In Paris, there is no onigri to be found, and the rare appearance of rice in their food is a lean, rather watery type of rice that is nothing to be compared with the “Japanese” rice that you used in your onigri or sushi.
I admit that as I sit here in my shadowy dorm room overlooking Sorbonne Square and all of the Parisians bustling about below, going to restaurants for dinner or purchasing small things at the vendors and shops, I sometimes feel desperately homesick for familiar Japan. I miss the cool autumn winds that swept and rattled the trees at around this time of year, instead of the almost bitingly-cold winds that sweep over France. I miss Honda-san, of course, and I hope she’s doing well at her university in Kyoto. I even miss Shigure, that obnoxious dog.
But most of all, I miss you, Kyo. I know you ask why I went to Paris University, in a foreign country with a language that even I myself am not familiar with, when instead both of us could have gone to Tokyo University and spent more precious time together.
The answer is, I don’t really know. Paris University has always been a dream of mine, of attending this old and prestigious school with a program that meets my goals in life. Sometimes, I feel that I regret this because you aren’t there curled up next to me when I wake up, your breath doesn’t tickle my neck when you lean in to kiss me, and my fingers itch to run through your silky orange hair again.
I miss your soft lips covering mine, how we would lie together in the darkness in my room and refuse to think about the future because secretly, both of us knew (don’t deny it, Kyo) that I would go to Paris University and you would go to Tokyo University. I hold these memories too close to my heart, and whenever I’m feeling sad, I think of the happy memories, of the snapshots of time that when spread out, signify our relationship.
I remember how our first kiss went, after that “just-for-fun” soccer game during physical ed, when you kept on taunting and baiting me with threats and I fell for all of them. Of course, my team won because I am simply superior like that, but then as I smirked at you from the door to the locker rooms, I remember seeing how something in your face snapped and then the next thing I knew, our sweat-covered bodies were pushed up against each other in a dark corner of the locker room, and your lips were over mine. I kissed back, of course, and then after we had broke apart, gasping, you finally had enough tact to look at me with those mesmerizing red eyes and ask “Well, what do we do now?”
You were such a fool. “We go out,” I replied dryly. I said, “Even though you should be asking this…will you go out with me, Kyo?”
The predatory grin that spread across your face frightened me a bit before you said “yes” and then you kissed me again and it was all over.
I’m sure you remember this memory well, because you must cherish as much as I do. That was the beginning of our relationship, and it was the end of the beginning, or the beginning of the end, however you want to think of it.
I do believe I’m starting to ramble, so I’m going to wrap it up now. Plus, I have to finish a paper that’s due tomorrow.
I love you.
Missing you,