Yolanda Adams

Feb 04, 2010 01:13

Incredible. Objectively, one of the best voices I've ever heard. Her vocal control is incomparable, and I really like her phrasing-the way she tastefully incorporates runs and melodic twists. And what a pure vocal tone! I especially love her passion and sincerity; when I listen to her, I feel nothing "excessive" in the way she sings. No excessive vocal acrobatics or sentimentality-just the pouring out of her heart in song. Of course, I'm sure there'll be those who disagree, but I find her remarkably restrained for a gospel singer, which is one of the things that draws me to her. Big-voiced singers always run the risk of oversinging, but all things considered, including the high key of this version and the nature of the gospel genre, I find that Yolanda Adams avoids potential pitfalls and turns out a stunning rendition of this hymn. Brava, Yolanda! She could definitely inspire me to listen to more gospel music!


So, I know backdating entries is totally cheating, but I'll be updating later today [Thursday, 2/4], and I like it when my updates are regularly spaced (such as MWF or TuTh)-nerdy, I know, but you're used to it by now, huh?

The entry's already written, actually; I just haven't had time to edit it. *sighs* Why does time go by so quickly? I really thought I would've updated by now. I was in such a blogging mood this past weekend; at one point, I actually planned on writing several updates in advance. Then, I got sidetracked with assignments and ended up leaving myself with less free time than I thought.

The take-home message for me is to continue perfecting my time management! Juggling writing, school, and ministry-all within my God-centered framework-is totally doable. I just need to stop wasting time! (So much easier said than done!)

:: real-life snapshot ::
  • I'm already nearly halfway through the quarter! Mind-blowing, isn't it? The end of week 5 is approaching. Next week is week 6, which is one of two very difficult weeks this quarter. I have writing assignments due Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and midterms on Thursday and Friday. So, I'd appreciate all your positive thoughts for me! I have tons of readings to do before then (which I will dive into shortly), so with prayer, diligence, and the utter refusal to procrastinate, I should hopefully be able to get through all of this relatively unscathed. Next week is really the first big test of time management this quarter. Everything else was minor compared to this. Here's to not crashing and burning!
  • Finding time for leisurely reading and writing is so hard, which is why I still haven't finished Ender's Game yet. (I'm a really a fast reader, so I could totally finish it in one sitting if I didn't constantly feel that I should be doing homework instead.) I am trying to make time, though, for sanity's sake. I'm really enjoying Ender's Game: the whole set-up is fascinating, and Ender is completely sympathetic and intriguing in his sweetness, yet startling capacity for violence. And the need to write fiction? Always there. In response to life... and everything. I just wish plots came more naturally to me! I always see scenes and not plots, and it's hard to give shape to something and direct it when it's so amorphous. Gah. One step at a time, yeah? ;) [skips off to do readings]


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