So, I basically love this couple to pieces. I keep watching the end of SGA 3x16 "The Ark" over and over again. Love! [Nothing like rewatching favorite episodes!]
I found this video in the summer and loved it because of the unconventional scene selection. I actually ended up watching some episodes just because they included scenes featured in this video.
And this video is gorgeous-the editing and the interweaving of audio clips is brilliant. The song is bittersweet but hopeful, and I love it. "I'm holding on underneath this shroud..."
And bonus video (because there's no such thing as watching this scene too many times):
:: real-life snapshot ::
- My sister and I watched half of The Half-Blood Prince before she got bored with the slow pacing, and both of us got sick of the awful heavy-handed attempts at romance in the film. (Then again, I am a Harry/Hermione shipper, so that might explain a lot of things.) Appropriately, HBP is the lowest rated of all the HP films on Amazon-although I am surprised that the average rating is only 3 stars out of 5, considering how popular the series is. (For the record, The Prisoner of Azkaban is still my favorite of the HP films.)
- I went on a The Mentalist season-two marathon today. I forgot how addicting this show is! I watch one episode, then I feel compelled to watch another one and then another one... Good times! I don't regret it all. I love Simon Baker-incredibly charming and nuanced in his acting. He handles all the different facets of his character wonderfully, and his vulnerable, victimized side is heartbreaking. Plus, the Van Pelt/Rigsby pairing is super adorable. And Tim Kang's character is awesome; I mean, how cool is it to have a non-stereotypical, kick-butt Asian character on TV every week? Very cool, I tell you. The enigmatic aspect of his character is hilarious, too; he won't share anything!
- Caught up with Psych. Not caught up with Merlin, Bones, The Mentalist, or Castle. The latter two are lower priority than the first three but only because I adopted them mid-season last year, and by principle, I try to follow no more than three shows at a time. Since Eureka and Psych are summer shows, this usually works fine, but with all the shows I adopted last season, I ended up with five shows at the beginning of the quarter. So, I decided to go cold turkey and watch none of them. This winter break is my catch-up time-although I'm not sure if I'll get fully caught up on all of them. We shall see! I really don't watch all that much TV, though; I already named all the shows I'm currently following in this post. ;) (Unless you count American Idol, which I can't believe is already almost starting up again!)