Nov 23, 2006 22:15
Courtesy of Katie Wags' genius, I'm going to list everything I'm thankful for today. Haha!
I'm thankful for...
My family, of course. As much as they drive me completely insane, I do love them. I love my father, despite the fact he cheated on my mother. I love my mother, despite the fact she's sooo overprotective. I love my sister, despite the fact she knows what buttons to press with me and enjoys doing it frequently. They do so much for me and I tend to take that for granted. I don't even know what else to say about them, I'm just so lucky to have them. As for my relatives, I'm soooo thankful for my cousin, Josh. I love that kid so much. He's always known how to put a smile on my face and genuinely has a good heart. No matter what stupid thing he does, I have his back. He's always there for me and that's one of my favorite things about him. He tells things straight up, too. Whenever I feel like I need an honest to GOD opinion, I know to call him.
I'm thankful for...
My friends. I see a piece of my friends in my personality every single day. I feel especially thankful for reconnecting with Laura again over this past weekend. I lost touch with her for a loooong time. Laura has always been there for me. From the times we needed to copy each other's homework back in 4th grade to me getting locked out of my house this past weekend and her letting me stay at her house, she's always been there. I never realized how much our personalities are similar. It's amazing. Molly. Oh man, I love Molly. She acts on her Id so much and I think we all need a person like that in our lives. Hah! Someone to just be silly with and not care about what you're going to say. I've told her SO much in the past few months, and not once has she judged me or second guessed me. I've somewhat lost touch with Manda, lately. This does make me sad, but we'll be cool again, I'm sure. She's been off doing her own thing like going to the club, meeting new people, etc. It's okay she's doing that, though. I'm happy for her as long as she's happy with it. Manda's always had a positive outlook on life and because of that, she's going to have an amazing life. She's just been through so much, that it makes her such a strong person. Props to Manda lol. I've also drifted from Katie a bit. You've gotta love Katie, though. We've shared a lot of great times together. She's my second longest friendship I've gotten out of high school/ elementary school. Every concert I've ever been to was with her. She's the only other person who understands my love for the Beatles. I can't talk to anyone about the Beatles like I can with her. Brit. I've only known Brit for about two and a half years but ohhh man, I love that girl. We've shared almost as much as I have with old friends from elementary school. We've cried together, talked about boyssss together lol, and we had sooo many great memories of our first job together. Last night, she was trying to teach me to drive standard on her car. Who else would let me beat up their car like she did last night? Ohhh not too many people lol. When her and Nickie were mad at me last month, it made me so incredibly sad. I never EVER want to lose those two girls. Ohhh Nickie. When I first met Nickie, I thought she absolutely hated me. She was a total bitch to me. Haha, now we know that's how Nickie comes off to you at first and that's why we love her. <3 Nickie is the greatest person to be goofy around. But, you can also be wicked serious with her, too. I love that about her. I miss our times when we'd want to be anti-social so we'd put our hoods up at work. Or who can forget "sail away on the Block Island Ferry...something something something" lol. I miss her and Brit when they're both away at school. Sara K!!! Man, oh man, I had good times with that girl. I'm not sure if she'll read this or not, but I hope she does. It's so hard living with, well, basically a complete stranger. Me and Sara K knew each other before we moved onto campus last year, but we didn't really know each other. I had SO many good times with her. We got lost in Springfield, stayed up watching my lava lamp for hours lol, and sooo many more good times. Trying to describe those times wouldn't even give it justice, you just had to be there. She's just one of those people you genuinely enjoy being with because she's so silly.
I'm thankful for...
My two jobs. Yes, my two jobs. As much as I bitch, whine, and complain about them, I'm thankful I can have two jobs. I'm lucky to have two jobs.
I'm thankful for...
Josh going on a mission. For months I stubbornly held onto the idea that what he was doing wasn't going to produce any positive consequences for myself. I knew they would for him, but I felt as if he was just "leaving me with bits of a broken relationship in my hands." He didn't do that, at all. Since Josh has left, I have learned so much about myself. If we hadn't broken up, I would've never learned any of those things about myself. He helped me and himself grow so much. I never realized how incomplete "I" was. I thought I knew myself so well, but I didn't. I'm still trying to find out who I am and I will be for a while. Without Josh, I don't think I could've done that. I'll get an occasional email from his mother every now and then letting me and his friends know how he's doing. He's doing so well in Chile. He seems so incredibly happy and pleased with himself. I can tell from the emails that he's grown up a lot, too. I have too, and I'm so grateful for that. In the end of all of this, I can honestly say Josh made the right decision and I hope he knows that.
I'm thankful for...
My school and education. My parents play a BIG role in this. Without my parents paying for my schooling, I don't know what I'd be doing. I don't know if I could stop learning. I love learning. I know that sounds so dorky and nerdy, but it's true. Granted, tests, homework, and projects suck. However, the overall capability of being able to expand your knowledge is incredible.
I'm thankful for...
My life. I couldn't be happier right now. No lie. Life is pretty sweet at the moment, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Mmm I think that's it. I hope I haven't missed anything. If I have, I apologize. So, what are you guys thankful for? :) I'd like to know!