Oct 04, 2005 16:04
I didnt update in a long time!!! well to start off i lost my ipod nano!!!! Wahhhhhhh!!!! but the next day the principle called me too the office. and then she asked if i lost anything? and i sed i lost my ipod nano yesterday and she sed there was this lady who found the ipod on the sidewalk of karen's house!!! she saw it had my name on it so she called #7 school and and sed she found it!!!! wat luck!!! ok after that me Karen, her family, and Kim went to the Just a Party!!! it was fun. i saw Elisa there and her sister Sarah but we couldnt hang out much cause we couldnt find them. We ate popcorn and cotton candy and we went to wendy's to eat but then karen and kim had to leave so i was by myself!!! After they left i saw Taylor, Elaine, Paul, George, Sean, Cynthia, Julie, Shannon, Elisha, Abby, Joe, Diego, Nick, and Daniel. Phew that took a long time. And Paul and Joe threw a frisbee over the lights.