Jun 05, 2006 21:46
good golly! Life has been anything but normal... but for a few weeks before I go to Puerto Rico- I might have something that alsmost reselbles normalcy. I had to back off from the Y, but since I knew they were short on staff I put in for reduced hours. Well they just plain old replaced me. I was a little mad at first... just cause of the lack of communication- but I am greatful. Tim and I are slowly starting to combine finances, and with a few expenses that have gone down I am able to get back to a normal life. Prior to this week the last weeks where I haven't updated have been rediculous. I have been rediculous. I really was sub human.... it really was not healthy at all. Even in this past week- I have reconciled with some of my bitterness and stupidity.... things are getting to where they need to be.
In other news, my pastor is leaving- yes the one who was suposed to do our wedding. He's been called to El Paso, which really sounds like the right place for him to be. Oddly enough in a completely unrelated conversation the day before I found out, Bart my old internship supervisor was very specific to get our wedding date on the calendar.... He also happened to be ordained in April. Guess who's doing our wedding?! yay God. He really had a lot ot do with encouraging me inthe eaarlier days of our relationship... so I guess it makes sense.
The week BEFORE all this happened, I had the near break-down (ok maybe I did break down...) week. I kept telling myself I'd write to you all about it...
- I don't remember that monday well, but I was doing stuff around the apartment and other such details.
- Tuesday/Wednesday was the wild one- That night we went to see MuteMath at the Middle East. Well doors were supposed to be at 7- they were at 8, and MuteMath wasn't on till 10:45. The show was just fabulous, but then tim lost hte parking garage ticket, and we forgot to get reverse directions out of the city causing us to take forever to get home. that was bed at 3am. at work for 8:30am and kept going till 8:30 pm. Brain dead was I.
-Thursday was a long day as I had to finalize my sermon for sunday (great week for my first sermon at church!) and then finalize details for the Fair we were to have on that Saturday. That night Tim and I went shopping to get all the food for the fair, allready exhausted. Now I still haven't practiced just written it.
- Friday I am at the Y till 12:30. Then I am at church to make sure things are ready for the fair. Then I rush home, shower, dress for tim's cousin's wedding. It's a night wedding, we get home around midnight.
-Saturday I am out the door by 7:30. Fair goes till 4, I get home, shower and then Tim and I are off for another cousin's grad party. It was nice to sit, and to eat good food, but again we didn't get home till late... am I prepared for my sermon. NOPE!!!
-Sunday I attend the 8am service, take the time in-between to look at my sermon before the ten am. My prayer this whole week was "God Give me a miracle" He did. The sermon went just fine, rather well acctually! so then after church we have a continuation of the fair, after cleaning I am home by 3. Then I am home for a little bit before yourth group. That was rather fun. I get back, and tim and I pack up ourselves and the cat to drive to Dalton.
- Monday was a fast paced day, ceremonies and then taking care of family stuff and wedding detials
so we can get home at a decent hour we leave right after dinner to start the week where many hearts were shattered as Father Bill announces his new calling to Texas. While that was tough news, it brough out other personal issues and stress. I turned into a Ball of mush. This weekend helped bring me back together as I am no longer living at the Y, so work is getting done and my apartment is in decent shape.