Never change..?!

Dec 31, 2004 16:39

“Never Change” Most of us have given or received this piece of advice. But should we really want that? No change?

I think change is what keeps this world going. I know that I have certainly changed since I was in kindergarten. To think of how much I’ve learned, how much time has past, what could I do besides change? I also know I’ve changed from 8th grade. Friends that I saw everyday and that knew every little thing there was to know about me…don’t anymore. This is no fault of theirs, nor do I think it is of mine. People just…change.
Have I changed since Freshmen or even Sophomore year? Definitely! Am I upset at this fact? No way! I have become more mature. I have a better idea of where I want to go in life. The kind of people I want to spend time with in my life. The importance I place on different aspects of my life. Even since this summer I’ve changed. In 6 short months, I know I’ve changed.

2004 especially brought change in my life. I finished off the 2nd half of my sophomore year, hung out more and got much closer with “The Kids” (Sar, Tim, Anthony), met and got close real fast with “My Girls” (Katy, Jamie), decided not to play volleyball, was involved in 6 productions, learned how to drive a car, met and still dating wonderful Eric, got closer with my Mom, had a job (okay, even though it was only for 3 weeks!), took challenging classes, directed Children’s Liturgy…the list goes on and on…and a lot of these were pretty big changes!

The people and responsibilities in my life changed greatly, but I’m told to “never change”? Well, I’m sorry, but that’s not happening kids! I really hope I don’t change for the worse, but I am going to change. As I think about the upcoming years, let’s say 3 years, I can’t even imagine the vastness of change I am going to experience! Think about it…in exactly one year from today, I’ll probably know which college I’ll be attending. I’ll already know how I did on my ACT. I’ll have been in probably 4 more productions. I’ll have met new people, had 365 days of new experiences, drifted away from some friends and gotten closer to others. And, yes, I’ll have changed. Now let’s contemplate the change that’s going to happen in the next 10 years. Holy cow! I might be married…have children…a job…my own house. That’s a lot of change!! It’s funny though, even though I know this change is coming, I’m really quite excited about it. My seatbelt is on and I’m ready for the ride!

I hope 2005 brings joy, happiness, safety, and a whole lot of fun into all of your lives!! (Maybe even a little bit of change, too!)
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