of college mates issues

Jul 24, 2008 00:44

It sucks when you're not comfortable with youself.
Lately, I've feelings of being alienated and awkwardness.
It's actually nothing I think but you know my mind haha.. starry, you really think too much =/

I really have something against people who'd rather stay in one clique and seperating that clique from others. But of course, this phenomenon will ALWAYS occur no matter where.

Oh Wells.

And I just realised, I really still can't take critics well. Sighh, must slowly change and adapt now.
The tutor's wife said some stuff to me, small small matter, and I just can't take it.
wtf la me =/

I'm gonna learn how to take critics and turn them into constructive criticism! Because as the ferret says, it's stupid to not know what's wrong and continue doing the said stupid action, then making a BIGGER fool of ourself. lol

yea, true =)

But I just wish my paranoia would pack its bags and go away again now, because it's tiring =/

And besides, Tuesday was a nice memory for me =)
Fuck unhappy and paranoid thoughts, being happy is so much more fun

red panda hearts cow, thank you for that happy moment S2
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