Oct 17, 2006 23:00
So, yeah, my Juice doesn't work, and honestly I'm running out of disk space. I feel like this is a sin. And I don't know how it happens. I've cleaned up things, but it's still there. Shtuff.
So I'm wondering whether I should continue podcasting. It's just so disorganized for me. I'd like some feedback from my podcasting friends, I think you know who you are. I know I've been horribly sporadic, and I'm starting to be skeptical about whether Dave will actually get back to me on our independent study. If he doesn't, does that mean I get a free grade on a class I haven't attended? I mean, it's midterms already. I've gotten so into my routine of free mornings MWF and free afternoons TR that I think it would be quite a big change. This is so weird. Counting the classes I actually attend, I'm only taking 10 credits. That doesn't make me a full-time student. Weirdness.